Mar 28, 2025
2023-2024 Undergraduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Women’s and Gender Studies, BA
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Department of Women’s and Gender Studies
340 Sims Hall
Office Coordinator:
Alice Loomis
Administrative Specialist:
Susann DeMocker-Shedd
Himika Bhattacharya, PJ DiPietro, Eunjung Kim, Vivian M. May, Danika Medak-Saltzman, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Dana M. Olwan, Gwendolyn D. Pough, Robin Riley
Women’s and Gender Studies integrates theory and practice with the aim of transforming social relations, representations, knowledges, institutions, and policies. Through interdisciplinary and comparative approaches, students engage in the study of gender intersectionally and transnationally as a means of understanding the complex ways that ideas and practices about gender, past and present, shape the world around us. Issues of justice, social and economic transformation, and women’s agency are central and at each level of study the curriculum emphasizes race, ethnicity, nationality, class, age, sexuality, and different abilities as categories of analysis.
For all Arts and Sciences|Maxwell students, successful completion of a bachelor’s degree in this major requires a minimum of 120 credits, 96 of which must be Arts and Sciences|Maxwell credits, completion of the Liberal Arts Core requirements, and the requirements for this major that are listed below.
Dual Enrollments:
Students dually enrolled in Newhouse* and Arts and Sciences|Maxwell will complete a minimum of 122 credits, with at least 90 credits in Arts and Sciences|Maxwell coursework and an Arts and Sciences|Maxwell major.
*Students dually enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences|Maxwell as first year students must complete the Liberal Arts Core. Students who transfer to the dual program after their first year as singly enrolled students in the Newhouse School will satisfy general requirements for the dual degree program by completing the Newhouse Core Requirements.
Student Learning Outcomes
1. Apply interdisciplinary multiracial, intersectional, and transnational feminist theories and methods to investigate how gender relations and practices are embedded in and shaped by diverse social, political, material, and cultural realities 2. Recognize, interpret, and analyze issues of power, oppression, and injustice and social, economic, and epistemic violence 3. Identify histories and contemporary forms of feminist agency and resistance, social movements, and collective action 4. Integrate feminist theory and practice to challenge social relations, representations, knowledge, institutions, and policies 5. Engage and employ multiple modes of knowledge including conventional texts as well as creative work, activism, and popular culture 6. Model feminist competencies for collaborative learning and teamwork Major Requirements
The B.A. in women’s and gender studies requires a minimum of 33 credits (at least 18 in courses numbered 300 and above) selected from courses listed below. Although the major is granted and administered under the auspices of the College of Arts and Sciences, students are able, and in some cases encouraged, to take elective courses in the professional schools. Requirements for the major include five core courses, three courses from the course grouping Power, Privilege, and Exclusion in Feminist Thought; and three electives, two core electives and one general elective selected from a list of approved cross-listed courses. In the senior year, majors may create a synthesis of their studies in the field and deepen their skills in women’s and gender studies research, culminating in an independent project that can be a research project, creative work, or activism project. Note: Students seeking Academic Distinction in Women’s and Gender Studies must register for WGS 498 - Senior Project in Women’s & Gender Studies . Study Abroad
Women’s and Gender Studies Focus Abroad is coordinated through the Syracuse University Abroad office in more than five countries. All of these international centers offer a number of interdisciplinary courses in women’s and gender studies, cross-listed with the humanities and social sciences. Summer Studies Abroad courses are also available. For specific information on course offerings abroad, contact the SU Abroad office at 315-443-3471. Required Core Courses (15 credits)
Required Core Cluster Power, Privilege, and Exclusion in Feminist Thought (9 credits)
One course must be selected from each of the following three areas: Sexuality; Class; and Race, Nationality, and/or Ethnicity. Sexuality (3 credits)
- WGS 192 - Gender and Literary Texts
- WGS 230 - Intergroup Dialogue (depending on topic)
- WGS 305 - Sociology of Sex and Gender
- WGS 309 - Race, Gender and Sexuality in the African Diaspora
- WGS 311 - Decolonial Feminism
- WGS 319 - Gender and Politics
- WGS 355 - Sociology-of Health and Illness
- WGS 360 - Topics in Reading Gender and Sexualities
- WGS 362 - Youth, Schooling and Popular Culture
- WGS 365 - Negotiating Difference:Coming of Age Narratives
- WGS 389 - LGBT History
- WGS 395 - Gender and Popular Culture
- WGS 425 - Feminist Organizations
- WGS 433 - Race, Class, and Gender
- WGS 435 - Sexual Politics
- WGS 438 - Trans Genders and Sexualities
- WGS 439 - Women, Gender and Violence in a Transnational Context
- WGS 441 - Topics in Feminist Philosophy
- WGS 443 - Intersectional Feminist Disability Studies
- WGS 445 - The Caribbean: Sex Workers, Transnational Capital, and Tourism
- WGS 449 - Women in Art
- WGS 452 - Feminism and Postcolonial Studies
- WGS 453 - Feminisms, Sexualities, and Human Rights in Middle Eastern Societies
- WGS 456 - LGBT Studies in Sociology
- WGS 465 - Beyond the Veil: Gender Politics in Islam
- WGS 473 - Women, Rap and Hip-Hop Feminism
- WGS 494 - Music and Gender
- WGS 576 - Gender, Place, and Space
- WGS 414 - Communication & Gender
Class (3 credits)
- WGS 248 - Racial and Ethnic Inequalities
- WGS 258 - Poverty and Discrimination in America
- WGS 281 - Sociology of Families
- WGS 311 - Decolonial Feminism
- WGS 325 - Economics and Gender
- WGS 326 - Persons in Social Context
- WGS 343 - Latina Feminist Theories
- WGS 354 - Gender, Militarism, and War
- WGS 355 - Sociology-of Health and Illness
- WGS 358 - Economics of US Poverty and Discrimination
- WGS 363 - Anthropology of Family Life
- WGS 364 - Aging and Society
- WGS 422 - Work and Family in the 21st Century
- WGS 425 - Feminist Organizations
- WGS 427 - New York City: Black Women Domestic Workers
- WGS 432 - Gender and Disability
- WGS 433 - Race, Class, and Gender
- WGS 436 - Feminist Rhetoric(s)
- WGS 439 - Women, Gender and Violence in a Transnational Context
- WGS 443 - Intersectional Feminist Disability Studies
- WGS 445 - The Caribbean: Sex Workers, Transnational Capital, and Tourism
- WGS 473 - Women, Rap and Hip-Hop Feminism
- WGS 492 - Work and Inequality
- WGS 555 - Food, Culture and Environment
- WGS 576 - Gender, Place, and Space
Race, Nationality, and/or Ethnicity (3 credits)
- WGS 230 - Intergroup Dialogue (depending on topic)
- WGS 248 - Racial and Ethnic Inequalities
- WGS 297 - Philosophy of Feminism
- WGS 303 - Black Women Writers
- WGS 307 - African Women Writers
- WGS 309 - Race, Gender and Sexuality in the African Diaspora
- WGS 311 - Decolonial Feminism
- WGS 324 - Modern South Asian Cultures
- WGS 327 - Africa Through the Novel
- WGS 328 - Human Diversity in Social Contexts
- WGS 341 - Women, Abolition, and Religion in 19th Century America
- WGS 343 - Latina Feminist Theories
- WGS 354 - Gender, Militarism, and War
- WGS 355 - Sociology-of Health and Illness
- WGS 365 - Negotiating Difference:Coming of Age Narratives
- WGS 367 - Gender in a Globalizing World
- WGS 379 - Gender, Race, and Colonialism
- WGS 384 - Goddesses, Women and Power in Hinduism
- WGS 395 - Gender and Popular Culture
- WGS 403 - African and Caribbean Women Writers
- WGS 407 - Indigenous Feminist Thought and Theory
- WGS 423 - Indigenous Feminist Futures
- WGS 425 - Feminist Organizations
- WGS 427 - New York City: Black Women Domestic Workers
- WGS 433 - Race, Class, and Gender
- WGS 436 - Feminist Rhetoric(s)
- WGS 439 - Women, Gender and Violence in a Transnational Context
- WGS 444 - Schooling & Diversity *
- WGS 445 - The Caribbean: Sex Workers, Transnational Capital, and Tourism
- WGS 452 - Feminism and Postcolonial Studies
- WGS 453 - Feminisms, Sexualities, and Human Rights in Middle Eastern Societies
- WGS 455 - Culture and AIDS
- WGS 465 - Beyond the Veil: Gender Politics in Islam
- WGS 475 - Women, Myth and Nation in Latin American Literature
- WGS 512 - African American Women’s History
- WGS 513 - Toni Morrison: Black Book Seminar
- WGS 553 - Women and Social Change
Core Electives (6 credits):
Students must complete two core elective courses from the following: General Electives (3 credits)
Students must complete one elective course. They may choose from any WGS course. Note:
*Course content varies each semester or by section. These courses may be counted toward women’s and gender studies only when the content of the courses is within the field of feminist studies. Selected topics (400/500) courses may apply when appropriate. |
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