2020-2021 Undergraduate Course Catalog 
    Jul 01, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


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  • HST 343 - Food in Pre-Modern Europe

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    By studying food in pre-modern Europe, this course sheds light on changes in taste, religion, social structures, politics, and economy over roughly 2000 years. Grades are based on in-class exams, written assignments, and discussion.
  • HST 344 - Social Protest in the U.S.

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    This course examines the influence of non-violent and violent social protest in U.S. history, including movements against slavery, inequality, poor working conditions, racism, war, and sex and gender discrimination.
  • HST 345 - Workers and Organized Labor in U.S. History, 1840 to Present

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    The history of American workers and their efforts at protesting the transformation of the U.S. economy. The Knights of Labor, the A.F.L., the I.W.W., and the C.I.O. Forms of dissent: culture, violence, and radicalism law.
  • HST 347 - Modern American Politics Through Fiction

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    The political culture of modern America through the medium of popular fiction. Writing intensive and discussion based class, with enrollment limited to 20 Honors students.
  • HST 348 - Queering the Middle Ages?

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Even Academic Yr e.g. 2004-5
    Crosslisted with: QSX 348 
    This course introduces students to the models and methods developed in the field of queer theory and applies them to a wide range of medieval texts (letters, novels, monastic rules, medieval historiography, legal texts etc.).
  • HST 349 - Women in America: Civil War to Present

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: WGS 349 
    Focus on significant social and political transformation, activism, and individuals.
  • HST 350 - The Global Cold War

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Examines the Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union from a global perspective.
  • HST 351 - Godzilla to Gangnam: Korean-Japanese Relations

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Investigates the contemporary relationship between North/South Korea and Japan to understand ongoing disputes over islands, history textbooks, and Comfort Women, among other issues. Topics covered include: colonial era, nationalism, culture, Korea Wave, and more.
  • HST 352 - History of Ancient Greece

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Ancient Greek political, economic, social, and cultural history based on interpretation of primary sources, both literary and archaeological, from the Bronze Age through Alexander the Great.
  • HST 353 - History of Ancient Rome

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Ancient Roman political, economic, social, and cultural history based on interpretation of primary sources, both literary and archaeological, from the foundation of the city to the dissolution of the Empire in the west.
  • HST 354 - Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    The late Roman Empire and the Mediterranean world from c.200 to c.700. Political, religious, cultural, social history. Rise of Christianity, transformation of classical culture, and the so-called Decline and Fall of Rome.
  • HST 355 - The Italian Renaissance

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Renaissance in Italy, between 1330 and 1500. Political, economic, and intellectual developments. Also offered regularly abroad.
  • HST 356 - Modern Italy

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    History of Italy from the end of the Renaissance to the present. Struggle for unification, rise of fascism, and transformations of postwar Italy.
  • HST 357 - Culture and politics in Early Modern England: Henry VIII to Charles I

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Renaissance and Reformation in 16th-17th century England. Transformation of politics, culture, and society from Henry VIII through the reign of Charles I, 1485-1649.
  • HST 358 - Democracy Ancient and Modern

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    This course examines the theory and practices of democracy from ancient Athenian democracy to the modern nation-state in a comparative historical framework.
  • HST 359 - Modern Britain 1850 to the Present

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Political, cultural, and intellectual history of Britain from 1850. Considers the idea of Britishness as national identity, cultural construct, or imperial discourse. Questions the meaning of modernity as a model for change.
  • HST 360 - Modern France from Napoleon

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Political turbulence as the legacy of revolution and empire. Lushness and crisis. Peasants, workers, city people, army officers, psychiatrists, and priests. France in the age of total war.
  • HST 361 - Germany to World War I, 1770-1918

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3-4 credit(s) Irregularly
    Causes and consequences of the first unification of Germany: Authoritarian and military characteristics of Prussia. Its response to modern challenges. Bismarck’s unification of Germany under Prussia. Strengths and weaknesses of the new German Empire. Overthrow in 1918.
  • HST 362 - Nazi Germany and the Holocaust

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3-4 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: JSP 362 , QSX 362 
    Rise of Nazism, fall of the Weimar Republic, fascist ideology, everyday life under Nazism for “Aryans,” Jews, disabled people, Roma, gay people, Afro-Germans, others. Planning for genocide, the Holocaust, reactions and memories after 1945.
  • HST 363 - Germany Since 1945

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3-4 credit(s) Irregularly
    Aftermath of World War II. Development of a corporatist form of capitalist democracy in West Germany and a communist state in East Germany, 1945-1989. Burdens from the Nazi past. Unification in 1990. The current scene.
  • HST 364 - The Origins of Modern Russia

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3-4 credit(s) Irregularly
    Russian history from Muscovy to the Revolution of 1905, with an emphasis on political institutions, the stratification of society, and the growth of the intelligentsia.
  • HST 365 - Russia in the Twentieth Century

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3-4 credit(s) Irregularly
    A survey of Russian history from the Revolution of 1905 to the present, including WW I and revolutions of 1917, Leninism, Stalinism and the collapse of the USSR.
  • HST 366 - Modern East Africa Since 1850

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    History of Modern East Africa from the second half of the 19th century to the present examining global connections, Western imperialism, colonialism, race and society, labor, nationalism, decolonization, political transformation, panafricanism, and postcolonial challenges
  • HST 367 - Plague to AIDS

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Examines the social, institutional, political, and cultural dimensions of disease, healthcare and medicine in Europe from the early modern period to the present day.
  • HST 368 - Islam and the West

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s)
    Crosslisted with: MES 368 , PSC 368 
    Topics include globalization and interdependency of faiths, the “clash of civilizations”, relations between religion and state in Islam and Christianity and whether it is possible to separate the world into monolithic entities “Islam” and “West”. Offered in London only.
  • HST 369 - The World at War: 1914-1918, 1939-1945

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Major developments in military history of World War I and World War II. Film as one tool for understanding nature and scope of conflicts that changed the world.
  • HST 372 - Caste and Inequality in Modern India

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Crosslisted with: SAS 372
    This course examines caste in India, from colonial times until today. It studies the routine reproduction of unequal caste identities, the experience of ‘impure’ personhood, and varied forms of protest undertaken against caste inequality.
  • HST 373 - The Crusades

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    This course examines the historical phenomenon of crusade, with particular emphasis on the first four crusades to the Holy Land and on crusades within Europe.
  • HST 374 - Popular Culture in the Middle East

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Crosslisted with: MES 374
    An exploration of history, social change, and culture in the Middle East through film, music, television, sports, and the internet. Focused on the average citizen asking questions about gender roles, youth culture, and national identity
  • HST 375 - British Empire

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Crosslisted with: SAS 375 
    Seminar on expansion of the British Empire (emphasis on India and Africa) in the 18th and 19th centuries. Explores histories of conquest, administration and imperial policy, and the ideologies of imperialism and colonialism.
  • HST 376 - Death in the Middle Ages

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    This course investigates the role of death in medieval everyday life, mentality, culture and religion. We study concepts of the afterlife, funerary rituals, the cult of relics, medieval life cycles and emotional responses to death.
  • HST 377 - History of Venice

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    History of the city of Venice from its origins to the present. Considers Venice as an independent republic and imperial power and its significance in the Western imagination.
  • HST 378 - Early Modern Mediterranean

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Focus on Ottomans, Italy, France, Iberia, North Africa, 1348-1789. Topics include international relations and empire-building in Africa, Asia, and Europe; commerce, piracy, plague, religion, family/sexuality, architecture, political and cultural developments during Renaissance, Age of Discovery Enlightenment.
  • HST 379 - Gender, Race, and Colonialism

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Crosslisted with: WGS 379 
    Explores the intersection of gender and race in colonial ideologies, imperial practices and anti-colonial nationalist movements, in the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • HST 380 - International Course

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-12 credit(s)
    Offered through SUAbroad by educational institution outside the United States. Student registers for the course at the foreign institution and is graded according to that institution’s practice. SUAbroad works with the S.U. academic department to assign the appropriate course level, title, and grade for the student’s transcript.
  • HST 381 - Genocide, Atrocity, and Political Violence in the Modern World

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Course examines: definitions and interpretations of genocide; case studies of mass killing and atrocity in multiple global contexts during the twentieth century (Armenia, Cambodia, Holocaust, Rwanda, Soviet Union, and others).
  • HST 383 - Foundations of American Political Thought

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Crosslisted with: PSC 326 
    American political thought from the Puritans to Lincoln. American Revolution, establishment of the Constitution, and Jeffersonian and Hamiltonian systems.
  • HST 384 - American Environmental History and Geography

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: GEO 354 
    Relationship between Americans and the natural environment from the colonial period to the present. Ecological imperialism, technology and nature, resource-management conflicts, urban environments, development of conservation and environmentalism.
  • HST 385 - United States Legal History, 1620 to Present

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    The role of law in American history from the colonial period to the present. The common law, the Constitution, the market revolution, slavery and emancipation, laissez-faire, legal realism, the New Deal, and civil rights.
  • HST 386 - Crime and Society in American History, 1620 to Present

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    The history of American deviance and dissent from colonial Massachusetts to the present. Social transformation and the rise of urban crime. The changing role of the state. Police, radicalism, alcohol, vice, sexuality, and organized crime.
  • HST 387 - Women, Abolition, and Religion in 19th Century America

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s)
    Crosslisted with: REL 341 , WGS 341 
    The role that religion may have played in women’s understandings of themselves as abolitionists and social reformers. A selected group of women will be studied, with considerable attention given to Frances Harper.
  • HST 388 - Vietnam: Movies, Memoirs and the Shaping of Public Memory

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    An exploration of Vietnam in public memory through film and personal memoirs.
  • HST 389 - LGBT History

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Crosslisted with: QSX 389 , WGS 389 
    The history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender experience in period and region (North America, Europe, or Global) of instructor’s expertise, with attention to the international context..
  • HST 390 - Independent Study

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-6 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    Exploration of a problem, or problems, in depth. Individual independent study upon a plan submitted by the student. Admission by consent of supervising instructor(s) and the department.
  • HST 391 - Mary Magdalene: History of a Legend

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Examines legends surrounding Mary Magdalene, from New Testament to Da Vinci Code. Uses diverse primary sources and scholarship; traces the legend’s evolution and examines its changing significance.
  • HST 392 - The Korean War

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Examines the military, political, social, and cultural history of the Korean War, atrocities, refugees, historical memory, the continual division of the peninsula, US military and economic involvement in Korea and East Asia, and North Korea.
  • HST 393 - East Asia and the Socialist Experience

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Examines the adoption of socialism in East Asia. Historical account of how socialist China, Mongolia, North Korea and Vietnam arose, developed, “failed” and responded to globalization in the 20th century.
  • HST 395 - The History of Modern Japan

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Odd academic yr e.g. 2007-8
    Examines Japanese society from early-modern times (1600-1868) through modern (1868-1945) and postwar Japan (1945-today). Topics include: urbanization, mass culture and nationalism, popular protest, imperialism and empire, gender, war and occupation and globalization.
  • HST 396 - Women and the American Frontier

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: WGS 396 
    The North American frontier, from the 17th to the early 20th century, as it was experienced by women of various cultural and national origins.
  • HST 397 - The History of Modern Korea

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Even Academic Yr e.g. 2004-5
    Examines political, economic and social history from 1800 until today. Topics include: colonialism, modernity, division, the Korean War, nation-building, nationalism, democratization, North Korean society, inter-Korean affairs, nuclear issues, Korean Diaspora and “Korea Wave.”
  • HST 398 - Saints and Sinners in the Middle Ages

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Investigates notions of sanctity and modes to impose morality and social discipline in the medieval period. Reading narrative texts (esp. saints lives and literary texts) as historical sources.
  • HST 399 - Utopia and Institution: Early Monasticism

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Investigates the rise of monasticism in the West as a case study on institution forming and the attempts to organize perfect life in a community..
  • HST 400 - Selected Topics

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-6 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Exploration of a topic (to be determined) not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.
  • HST 401 - Senior Seminar

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Research techniques in the use of source material and historical evidence. Preparation of original research paper. Satisfies research requirement for history majors and minors.
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 6 credits maximum
  • HST 402 - Slavery and Abolition

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: AAS 402 
    Evolution and diverse character of North American slavery and antislavery. Slavery as labor, legal, and property system, cultural and political phenomenon, and social and economic network. Politics and ethics of abolition.
  • HST 403 - American History Through Documentary Film

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Compares the presentation of US history through documentary film and traditional written sources. Special attention is given to telling history as an act of public memory.
  • HST 405 - History of American Popular Culture

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Exploration of the history of American popular culture and the use of popular culture to study history.
  • HST 406 - Contemporary Issues in Chile and Latin America

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Crosslisted with: IRP 334 , LAS 334 , PSC 428 , SPA 334 
    Offered only in Santiago. This seminar features in-situ lectures and activities in Chile, Argentina and Uruguay introducing important political, sociological and environmental issues in the Southern Cone region.
  • HST 407 - Iraq: Modern Nation to US Occupation

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Crosslisted with: MES 407  
    History of modern Iraq from early 20th century to present, Iraqi cultural life, labor movement, socialist politics, women’s movement, warfare and masculinity, blogging, the Iran-Iraq war, the Gulf War, sanctions, 2003 invasion and aftermath.
  • HST 408 - The Practice of Eros:A History of Sexuality in Europe (1400-1800)

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s)
    Crosslisted with: ANT 408 , WGS 408 
    Authorized and “alternative” sexuality in Europe 15th to 18th centuries (especially Italy, France, and England.) “Licit love” (courtship, marriage, conjugal relations) as opposed to “illicit unions” (adultery, rape, prostitution, bestiality, homosexuality, lesbianism). Offered only in Florence.
  • HST 409 - A History of Witchcraft

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s)
    Crosslisted with: ANT 409 , REL 409 , WGS 409 
    History of witchcraft from various perspectives: its intellectual roots, the causes and dynamics of the witch-hunt, and the beliefs and self-perceptions of those who were called “witches”. Offered only in Florence.
  • HST 410 - Science and Technology in the Modern World

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    Crosslisted with: STS 410 
    Interaction of science with technology from 1700 to the present. Technological artifacts and their scientific background. Development of new technology from scientific research and from old-fashioned dreaming and tinkering.
  • HST 411 - Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: PSC 421 
    Offered only in Strasbourg. This course is designed to help students grasp the overall nature of contemporary Eastern and Central Europe, with emphasis on the breakup of the Sovet Union, and challenges of democratization and of EU unification.
  • HST 412 - Modern Spain: History and Politics

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Crosslisted with: PSC 422
    Offered only in Madrid. Starting with an analysis of current political, social, economic, and cultural issues in Spain, students define problems and questions, then review Spanish history to find the roots of those problems.
  • HST 413 - China Encounters the West: Qing Dynasty to Early Republic

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Offered only in Beijing. This course surveys the political, social, and cultural history of Qing China, using the great city of Beijing, the Qing capital, as its backdrop.
  • HST 414 - America: A Foreign Perspective

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Offered only in London. US role in foreign policy from a British and global communmity perspective and issues of US identity and place in the world. Events include Suez Crisis, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, 9/11, the War on Terror.
  • HST 415 - Europe, Russia and the Eastern Borderlands

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Offered only in Strasbourg. The first part of course focuses on question of borders/territorial change, construction of nations, and emergence/collapse of empires. The second part examines general problems common to post-communist countries.
  • HST 416 - Europe and Arc of Crises

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Offered only in Strasbourg. Topics covered include European and American perspectives on Middle East; cultural, social and economic issues, such as inter-religious dialogue, migration and drug trafficking; the status of Turkey; Afghanistan and state terrorism.
  • HST 417 - History of Women in Spain

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Crosslisted with: SPA 417 , WGS 417  
    Offered in Madrid only. History of women in Spain from primitive communities to the present. Topics include medieval, Golden Age, Enlightenment, and Romanticism; liberalism and feminism; women under Franco; Marxism and feminism; feminist movement in Spain.
  • HST 418 - The Italian Mafia

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Crosslisted with: SOC 418
    Offered only in Florence. Sociological and historical approach examining the social, political, and historical conditions for and consequences of the rise of the Italian Mafia.
  • HST 420 - The East Asian Century? Opportunities and Challenges for the Region & the US

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: IRP 320, PSC 420
    Double Numbered with: HST 620
    Examines the trajectories of and interactions between China, Japan, and Korea, with a focus on the implications of these developments for the region and the United States.
  • HST 422 - Ethnic History of Britain

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Crosslisted with: ANT 402  
    Offered only in London. Examines the ways in which migration has shaped and reworked British national identity over the past two thousand years through the study of original historical sources, literature, film and music, and explores the contributions that migrants have made to modern British society.
  • HST 424 - Dictatorships, Human Rights, and Historical Memory in the Southern Cone

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Crosslisted with: IRP 424 , LAS 424 , PSC 424 
    Offered only in Santiago. The time period (1940-present) and its significance and contributions to the configuration of social, political and economic aspects of Chile today. Relies on primary sources, comparisons within the Southern Cone, and a focus on US role and influence during this period.
  • HST 426 - African American Urban History

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Crosslisted with: AAS 426
    Double Numbered with: HST 626
    This seminar will examine the complex and varied Black urban experiences in the 20th and 21st centuries from the 1890s to the present.
  • HST 433 - Negotiating Identities Across Europe’s Borders

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: ANT 303 GEO 433 IRP 333 PSC 433 WRT 433  
    Through comparative study in six countries and their urban centers students will explore some of the most rapidly changing regions in Europe with attention paid to issues of identity, memory, and history of Central Europe. Offered only through Syracuse Abroad.
  • HST 434 - Underground Railroad

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    Crosslisted with: AAS 434 , ANT 494 
    Double Numbered with: HST 634
    Myth and history of the Underground in the context of African American freedom efforts. Emphasis on events, personalities, and sites in upstate New York. Student field research and exploration of archival and Internet resources. Additional work required of graduate students.
  • HST 441 - Europe and International Security Issues

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: PSC 441 
    Offered only in Strasbourg. Historical evolution of the concept of international security within the framework of European security-related institutions and the place of Europe in the context of new security challenges.
  • HST 443 - Culture, Confucianism and Chinese Modernity

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: ANT 403 
    Offered only in Beijing. Contemporary China from historical and cultural perspectives. Exploration of political and ideological conflicts between China and the West. Patterns of Chinese culture. Impact of Confucianism on Chinese society and its influence outside of China
  • HST 444 - Culture, Business and Political Economics in East Asia

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: INB 444 , IRP 444 , PSC 444 
    Offered only in Hong Kong. Examines the historical and contemporary forces that shape the cultural, social and economic institutions in East Asia and how these institutions affect one another.
  • HST 445 - Contemporary British Politics and the Modern World

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Crosslisted with: PSC 445 
    Offered only in London. British political system and the historical factors shaping it, as well as Britain’s role in creating the modern world and its place in the world today.
  • HST 447 - France from the Revolution to the Great War

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: FRE 447 
    Study of the rise of the French Republic, its revolutions, and its recurrent lapses into authoritarian rule, notably under Napoleon I and III. Conducted in French. Offered in Strasbourg only. [Effective spring 2009]
    PREREQ: FRE 202 
  • HST 449 - France from the Treaty of Versailles to European Integration

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: FRE 449 
    Analysis of major events in recent French history, including the rise of the Popular Front, the Nazi Occupation, the end of colonial rule, and the process of European integration. conducted in French. Offered in Strasbourg only. [Effective spring 2009]
    PREREQ: FRE 202 
  • HST 451 - Visual Culture Past and Present: Gender, Religion and Politics

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s)
    Crosslisted with: CRS 451 , REL 451 , WGS 451 
    Offered only in Florence. Contemporary visual culture; its representation of gender, religion, and politics and the origins of that representation in a pictorial language first codified in Italy and Europe between circa 1450 and 1650.
  • HST 452 - Italy: Past, Present and Future Challenges

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Crosslisted with: PSC 452 
    Offered only in Florence. Italian society and politics from unification to present. Topics include role of the family, emigration and immigration, stereotypes and regional identities, processes and components of Italian society and culture. Analysis of current situation and future challenges.
  • HST 453 - Twentieth Century Europe

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s)
    Crosslisted with: PSC 453 
    Politics, society, war, and peace in Europe, 1919-1992. Nazi Germany, WW II, the Cold War, post-war reconstruction, social and economic transformations, and the revolutions of 1989 in Eastern Europe. Offered only in Florence.
  • HST 454 - Family and Gender in Contemporary Italy

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Crosslisted with: SOC 454 , WGS 454 
    Family structures and gender relations in Italy from the Unification to the present. Offered only in Florence.
  • HST 457 - Gender, Politics, Society in Europe (1400-1800)

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Crosslisted with: SOC 457 , WGS 457 
    Relationship between the sexes in politics, philosophy, literature, and art. Emergence of a dissident “voice” relative to gender identity and social role, with implications for race and religion. Offered only in Florence.
  • HST 470 - Experience Credit

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-6 credit(s)
    Participation in a discipline or subject related experience. Student must be evaluated by written or oral reports or an examination. Permission in advance with the consent of the department chairperson, instructor, and dean. Limited to those in good academic standing.
  • HST 471 - European Identity: Shifting Borders

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Crosslisted with: PSC 414, IRP314
    Offered regularly through Syracuse Abroad. Seminar including field study in multiple Central Europe locations. Examines how borders and identities have shifted over time, and the role of these shifts on the current rise of populism in the region.
  • HST 474 - A History of London in Eleven Objects

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Crosslisted with: HOA 474
    Offered only in London. What do eleven important art objects teach us about London’s history as the world’s most global city? Students trace history of each object from its origins, to arrival in London, up to present, and learn about the artists and their contexts.
  • HST 480 - International Course

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-12 credit(s)
    Offered through SUAbroad by educational institution outside the United States. Student registers for the course at the foreign institution and is graded according to that institution’s practice. SUAbroad works with the S.U. academic department to assign the appropriate course level, title, and grade for the student’s transcript.
  • HST 481 - East Central Europe in the 20th century

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: PSC 481
    Examine twentieth-century history of East and Central Europe by focusing on key socio-political phenomena of nationalism, dictatorship, and civil society. Look at political and social history through the lens of arts, literature and film. Offered only through Syracuse Abroad.
  • HST 490 - Independent Study

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-6 credit(s) Every semester
    In-depth exploration of a problem or problems. Individual independent study upon a plan submitted by the student. Admission by consent of supervising instructor or instructors and the department.
  • HST 495 - Distinction Thesis in History

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Conducting research and writing a thesis for departmental distinction in History under the guidance of a faculty member.
  • HST 496 - Distinction Thesis in History

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Conducting research and writing a thesis for departmental distinction in History under the guidance of a faculty member.
    PREREQ: HST 495 
  • HST 498 - Checking Revised Course - Test

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Course description - Testing the course revision form, now that the New course form works. 
  • HST 499 - Honors Capstone Project

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-3 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    Completion of an Honors Capstone Project under the supervision of a faculty member.
    Repeatable 2 time(s), 3 credits maximum
  • HST 500 - Selected Topics

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-6 credit(s) Irregularly
    Exploration of a topic (to be determined) not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.
  • HST 510 - Studies in African American History

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Crosslisted with: AAS 510 
    Particular periods or aspects of African American history.


  • HUM 141 - Computing Culture: Technology and the Humanities

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring

    “Computing Culture” grounds the digital humanities integrated learning major by providing students with an overview of debates, skills, and approaches central to a critical, humanistic engagement with digital technology and culture.



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