2020-2021 Undergraduate Course Catalog 
    Jul 03, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


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Please note, when searching courses by Code or Number, an asterisk (*) can be used to return mass results. For instance a Code search of 2* can be entered, returning all 200-level courses.


Magazine, News and Digital Journalism

  • MND 535 - Newspaper & Magazine Practicum

    S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
    1-3 credit(s) Every semester
    Reporting and writing for Central New York newspapers and magazines. Weekly class sessions. Discussion of journalism topics. Research paper.
    PREREQ: BDJ 364  OR MND 305  OR NEW 305 OR BDJ 664 OR MNO 617
    Repeatable 2 time(s), 3 credits maximum
  • MND 538 - Travel Writing

    S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Writing and selling magazine articles about traveling and specific geographic areas. Students will write in a variety of styles, especially exploring the narrative form.
    PREREQ: MND 305  or NEW 305
  • MND 545 - Virtual Reality Storytelling

    S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    This course is for students in professional communications degrees to learn to tell stories interactively using virtual and augmented reality. Techniques incorporate 360-degree video and computer-generated scenes, often using headsets.


  • MAG 205 - An Introduction: Editorial, Ethics, and the Business of Magazines

    S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    An exploration of the editorial side of magazines, the roles advertising and circulation play in revenue generation, and the ethical challenges faced by writers, editors, photographers, and designers. Major report on magazine of student’s choice.
    PREREQ: COM 107 
  • MAG 300 - Selected Topics

    S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
    1-6 credit(s) Irregularly
    Exploration of a topic (to be determined) not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.
  • MAG 409 - FIRST ISSUE: Starting a Magazine

    S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Problems and opportunities that magazine and magazine web editors face each day. A variety of topics ranging from ethics to covers, editorial mix, positioning a magazine and its online extension.
    PREREQ: MAG 408 or MND 408  
  • MAG 499 - Honors Capstone Project

    S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
    1-3 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    Completion of an Honors Capstone Project under the supervision of a faculty member.
    Repeatable 2 time(s), 3 credits maximum
  • MAG 500 - Selected Topics

    S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
    1-6 credit(s) Irregularly
    Exploration of a topic (to be determined) not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.
  • MAG 529 - Writing and Editing for Magazine Websites

    S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Everything you need to know to join a magazine-branded website’s staff: eye-catching copy, clickable headlines, site design, custom-edit projects, interactive tools, video and blogs, plus search engine optimization, social media engagement, and audience tracking.
    PREREQ: MAG 406 OR MAG 408 OR MND 406  OR MND 408  OR MNO 617

Marketing Management

  • MAR 255 - Principles of Marketing

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Marketing as a major business function and social process. Analysis of market forces. Marketing opportunities. Determination of price, product, distribution, promotion, and organization policies required to control and fulfill planned marketing programs.
    PREREQ: ECN 101 AND (MAS 261 OR MAT 122 OR MAT 221)
    COREQ: FIN 256 AND SCM 265
  • MAR 301 - Essentials of Marketing

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Exploration for non-Whitman students of the principles of marketing as a major business function and social process. Analysis of marketing forces. Marketing opportunities. Determination of price, product, distribution , promotion and organizational policies required.
  • MAR 356 - Marketing Research

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Application of various research methods to marketing. Planning, design, execution, and interpretation of applied marketing research studies.
    PREREQ: MAR 255  OR MAR 301  
    COREQ: MAS 362  OR BUA 345 
  • MAR 357 - Consumer Behavior

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Motivation, learning theory, perception, attitude theory, and social referents: how they affect consumer behavior. Consumer measurement and strategy assessment.
    PREREQ: MAR 255  OR MAR 301 
  • MAR 378 - Industrial Marketing

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Industrial market behavior and market segmentation. Planning and marketing research. Determination of price, product, distribution and promotion in the context of industrial marketing. Industrial marketing evaluation and control.
    PREREQ: MAR 255  OR MAR 301 
  • MAR 400 - Selected Topics

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    1-6 credit(s) Irregularly
    Exploration of a topic (to be determined) not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.
  • MAR 401 - Electronic Retailing and Marketing

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: RMT 457
    Overview of current e-tailing practices in business to consumer marketplace. Internet technology and capabilities.
    PREREQ: MAR 255 OR 301
  • MAR 407 - Sales Management in B2B Markets

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    This course covers managing a sales force and a firm’s selling effort. Topics include strategic planning, designing and developing a sales force, managing major accounts , sales marketing alignment and how sales people create value.
    PREREQ: MAR 255  OR MAR 301 
  • MAR 444 - New Product Management

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    The product innovation process. Learning how managers can best use models and analytical tools to improve decision-making in the development, launch, and management of new products.
    PREREQ: MAR 255  OR MAR 301 
  • MAR 445 - Brand Management

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Concepts and tools essential for performing the role of a brand manager in a dynamic and competitive market. Coordinating marketing activities to achieve a profitable and sustainable market position of the brand.
    PREREQ: MAR 255  OR MAR 301 
  • MAR 452 - Pricing Strategies for Products and Services

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) Even Academic Yr e.g. 2004-5
    Double Numbered with: MAR 652
    Focuses on process of pricing decisions for products and services. Builds on conceptual foundations of economic and psychological theories of pricing, principles of optimal pricing decisions, strategies and techniques, analytical tools, and data sources. Additional work required for graduate students. 
    COREQ: MAR 356
  • MAR 453 - Marketing Analytics

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Double Numbered with: MAR 653
    The course will focus on three aspects of analytical marketing: survey research, managing and synthesizing data from multiple sources, and data analysis and decision making including regression analysis, choice modeling and classification, principle component analysis, and both cluster and conjoint analysis. Additional work for graduate students.
    PREREQ: BUA 345, MAR 255
    COREQ: MAR 356
  • MAR 455 - Marketing Communications

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Management of marketing communications. Topics include budgets, planning campaigns, controlling impact and coordinating information flows.
    PREREQ: MAR 255  OR MAR 301 
  • MAR 456 - Global Marketing Strategy

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Building on concepts from previous marketing courses, this capstone course provides students both research and conceptual tools for understanding and making decisions about marketing strategy in the rapidly changing global environment.
    PREREQ: MAR 255  OR MAR 301 
  • MAR 499 - Honors Capstone Project

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    1-3 credit(s) Every semester
    Completion of an Honors Capstone Project under the supervision of a faculty member.
    Repeatable 2 time(s), 3 credits maximum

Managerial Statistics

  • MAS 180 - International Course

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    1-12 credit(s) Irregularly
    Offered through SUAbroad by educational institution outside the United States. Student registers for the course at the foreign institution and is graded according to that institution’s practice. SUAbroad works with the SU academic department to assign the appropriate course level, title, and grade for the student’s transcript.
  • MAS 261 - Introductory Statistics for Management

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Basic statistical theory and data analysis methods. Describing data graphically and numerically. Probability distributions. Sampling. Statistical tests and intervals. Use of computer statistics programs. Emphasis on choice, limitations, and interpretation of methods for management use.
  • MAS 362 - Decision Tools for Management

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Review of important statistical concepts. Mathematical models for management data emphasizing correct use and interpretation of results. Linear and logistic regression. Time series analysis. Model assumptions and limitations.
    PREREQ: MAS 261 OR MAT 122 OR MAT 221
  • MAS 423 - Introduction to Nonparametric Statistics

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Selected nonparametric statistical methods; those requiring few assumptions about the population. Related aspects of probability theory, hypothesis formulation and testing, and estimation for population location, dispersion, and functional form.
    PREREQ: MAS 362 
  • MAS 465 - Applied Sample Survey Methods

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Survey methods applicable to management and other social science areas. Various sample designs: cost and accuracy, estimation for population location, dispersion, and functional form.
    PREREQ: MAS 362 
  • MAS 477 - Time Series Analysis and Forecasting

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Basic concepts applied to management. Discrete time-series analysis for forecasting and control. Selected statistical models. Regression analysis. ARIMA methods, econometric modeling. Forecasting and business planning. Evaluation of forecasts. Case studies.
    PREREQ: MAS 362
  • MAS 499 - Honors Capstone Project

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    1-3 credit(s) Every semester
    Completion of an Honors Capstone Project under the supervision of a faculty member.
    Repeatable 2 time(s), 3 credits maximum


  • MAT 108 - Basic Probability and Statistics for the Liberal Arts I

    College of Arts and Sciences
    4 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    An introductory statistics course designed to cover the basics of descriptive and inferential statistics, including: sampling and experimental design, descriptive statistics and plots, confidence intervals, significance tests, and the basics of linear regression. Only available to students registered in the Online Associate in Arts or Bachelors of Professional Studies degree programs.
  • MAT 109 - Basic Probability and Statistics for the Liberal Arts II

    College of Arts and Sciences
    4 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    The second of two introductory statistics courses designed to cover the basics of descriptive and inferential statistics, including: sampling and experimental design, descriptive statistics and plots, confidence intervals, significance tests, and the basics of linear regression. Only available to students registered in the Online Associate in Arts or Bachelors of Professional Studies degree programs.
    PREREQ: MAT 108
  • MAT 112 - Algebraic Operations and Functions

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Algebraic operations. Linear and quadratic equations, applications. Exponents and logarithms. Credit not given for MAT 112 after receiving a C or better in MAT 183 or above.
  • MAT 117 - Foundational Mathematics via Problem Solving I

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    One course in three-course sequence. Number concepts and relationships (including concepts of numeration, operations, number theory). Emphasizing learning through problem solving.
  • MAT 118 - Foundational Mathematics via Problem Solving II

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    One course in a three-course sequence. Rational numbers, real numbers, patterns, and functions. Emphasizing learning through problem solving.
  • MAT 119 - Foundational Mathematics via Problem Solving III

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    One course in a three-course sequence. Probability, statistics, geometric and measurement concepts. Emphasizing learning through problem solving.
  • MAT 120 - Supplemental Basic Mathematics

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1 credit(s) Irregularly
    ls as needed for further coursework. Does not satisfy any part of the quantitative skills requirement.
    COREQ: MAT 121  OR MAT 122  OR MAT 183  OR MAT 194 
  • MAT 121 - Probability and Statistics for the Liberal Arts I

    College of Arts and Sciences
    4 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    First in a two-course sequence. Teaches probability and statistics by focusing on data and reasoning. Topics include displaying data, numerical measures of data, elementary probability, discrete distributions, normal distributions, confidence intervals. NOTE: A student cannot receive credit for MAT 121 after completing STT 101 or any MAT course numbered above 180 with a grade of C or better.
  • MAT 122 - Probability and Statistics for the Liberal Arts II

    College of Arts and Sciences
    4 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Second in a two-course sequence. Teaches probability and statistics focusing on data and reasoning. Topics include hypothesis testing, linear correlation, linear regression, nonparametric methods, statistical process control, solving liner equations, matrices, Markov chains. NOTE: A student cannot receive credit for MAT 122 after completing any MAT course numbered above 180 with a grade of C or better.
    PREREQ: MAT 121   
  • MAT 180 - International Course

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-12 credit(s)
    Offered through SUAbroad by educational institution outside the United States. Student registers for the course at the foreign institution and is graded according to that institution’s practice. SUAbroad works with the S.U. academic department to assign the appropriate course level, title, and grade for the student’s transcript.
  • MAT 183 - Elements of Modern Mathematics

    College of Arts and Sciences
    4 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Linear equations, matrices, and linear programming. Introduction to mathematics of finance. Discrete probability theory. For students interested in management, finance, economics, or related areas.
  • MAT 193 - Algebra-Infused Precalculus

    College of Arts and Sciences
    4 credit(s) Irregularly
    Polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Analytical trigonometry and trigonometric functions. Emphasis on algebra throughout the course. A student cannot receive credit for MAT 193 after receiving a grade of C or better in any calculus course. Credit cannot be given for both MAT 193 and MAT 194 .
  • MAT 194 - Precalculus

    College of Arts and Sciences
    4 credit(s) Every semester
    Polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Analytical trigonometry and trigonometric functions. A student cannot receive credit for MAT 194 after receiving a grade of C or better in any calculus course. Credit cannot be given for both MAT 193 and MAT 194.
  • MAT 200 - Selected Topics

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-6 credit(s) Irregularly
    Exploration of a topic (to be determined) not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.
  • MAT 221 - Elementary Probability and Statistics I

    College of Arts and Sciences
    4 credit(s) Every semester
    First of a two-course sequence. For students in fields that emphasize quantitative methods. Probability, design of experiments, sampling theory, introduction of computers for data management, evaluation of models, and estimation of parameters.
  • MAT 222 - Elementary Probability and Statistics II

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Continuation of MAT 221 . Further methods of statistical analysis emphasizing statistical reasoning and data analysis using statistical software. Basic concepts of hypothesis testing, estimation and confidence intervals, t-tests and chi-square tests, linear regression, analysis of variance.
    PREREQ: MAT 221 
  • MAT 270 - Experience Credit

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-6 credit(s) Irregularly
    Repeatable, 6 credits maximum
  • MAT 284 - Business Calculus

    College of Arts and Sciences
    4 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    One-variable differential and integral calculus. Applications to business and economics. MAT 284 may not be taken for credit after obtaining a grade of C or higher in MAT 285 or MAT 295.
  • MAT 285 - Life Sciences Calculus I

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Functions and their graphs, derivatives and their applications, differentiation techniques, the exponential and logarithm functions, multivariable differential calculus including constrained optimization. MAT 285 may not be taken for credit after obtaining a grade of C or higher in MAT 284 or MAT 295
  • MAT 286 - Life Sciences Calculus II

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Antidifferentiation; the definite integral and applications; first order differential equations with applications. Cannot be taken for credit after obtaining a grade of C or higher in MAT 296 .
    PREREQ: MAT 285 or MAT 295
  • MAT 290 - Independent Study

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-6 credit(s) Irregularly
    In-depth exploration of a problem or problems. Individual independent study upon a plan submitted by the student. Admission by consent of supervising instructor or instructors and the department.
  • MAT 295 - Calculus I

    College of Arts and Sciences
    4 credit(s) Every semester
    Analytic geometry, limits, derivatives, maxima-minima, related rates, graphs, differentials, exponential and logarithmic functions, mean-value theorem, L’Hospital’s rule, integration. For science majors. MAT 295 may not be taken for credit after successful completion of MAT 286 .
  • MAT 296 - Calculus II

    College of Arts and Sciences
    2-4 credit(s) Every semester
    Integration: the definite integral and applications; trigonometric functions, methods of integration, improper integrals, infinite series, elementary differential equations, parametric equations, polar coordinates.
  • MAT 331 - First Course in Linear Algebra

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Linear equations, n-dimensional euclidean space, linear independence, bases, linear transformations, matrices and determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Geometric aspects. Credit will not be given for both MAT 331 and 485.
    PREREQ: MAT 286  OR MAT 296 
  • MAT 375 - Introduction to Abstract Mathematics

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Principles of symbolic logic, set theory, basic function theory, relations, and cardinality. Emphasis on developing proof-writing skills, including mathematical induction. Credit cannot be given for both MAT 375 and CIS 375.
    PREREQ: MAT 295  
  • MAT 397 - Calculus III

    College of Arts and Sciences
    4 credit(s) Every semester
    Analytic geometry and vectors; functions of more than one variable, multiple integrals, partial differentiation, physical applications.
  • MAT 412 - Introduction to Real Analysis I

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Introduction to the foundations of calculus covering topics from the following: the real number system, functions, limits, sequences, infinite series, continuity, and uniform continuity. Enrollment limited to mathematics majors.
    PREREQ: (MAT 375  OR CIS 375 ) AND MAT 397  
  • MAT 414 - Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    First order differential equations. Second order linear differential equations. Power series solutions. Bessel’s equations, Laplace transforms. Systems of first order differential equations. Applications. Credit will not be given for both MAT 414 and MAT 485 .
  • MAT 421 - Applied Probability and Statistics

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Sample spaces, counting, random variables and their distributions, expected value, central limit theorem. Estimation and confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, analysis of variance and regression. MAT 421 does not count towards the Mathematics or Applied Mathematics major or minor. Cannot be taken for credit after successfully completing MAT 521.
    PREREQ: MAT 286  OR MAT 296 
  • MAT 485 - Differential Equations and Matrix Algebra for Engineers

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Solution of ordinary differential equations, including series methods. Vector spaces, matrix algebra, rank, linear systems, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Credit not given for both MAT 485 and MAT 414, nor for both MAT 331 and 485. Does not count toward mathematics major.
    PREREQ: MAT 397 
  • MAT 490 - Independent Study

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-6 credit(s) Irregularly
    In-depth exploration of a problem or problems. Individual independent study upon a plan submitted by the student. Admission by consent of supervising instructor or instructors and the department.
  • MAT 495 - Fundamentals of Data Science

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Double Numbered with: MAT 695
    Fundamental methods for data science, such as regression, linear discriminant analysis, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machine, k-means, principal component analysis, and nonlinear dimension reduction. Performance evaluation and model selection. Additional work required of graduate students.
    PREREQ: (MAT 331 AND MAT 521) OR (MAT 503 AND MAT 523)
  • MAT 499 - Honors Capstone Project

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-3 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    Completion of an Honors Capstone Project under the supervision of a faculty member.
    Repeatable 2 time(s), 3 credits maximum
  • MAT 503 - Matrix Methods for Data Science

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Matrix methods required for data analysis with an emphasis on applications and using software. Matrix norms, orthogonality, eigendecomposition, SVD, LS, QRD, LDA, PCA. Not for math majors or minors. Additional work required of graduate students.
    PREREQ: MAT 397
  • MAT 511 - Advanced Calculus

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Partial derivatives, implicit functions, integration in several variables, line and surface integrals.
  • MAT 512 - Introduction to Real Analysis II

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Real-number system, set theory and elementary topological properties of the real line, continuity and differentiability, sequences and series, uniform convergence, Riemann integration, and improper integrals.
  • MAT 513 - Introduction to Complex Analysis

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Complex number system and its arithmetic, geometric representation. Linear transformations. Analytic functions and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Integration and Cauchy’s theorem, Taylor and Laurent series, singularities, poles, and residues. Applications.
  • MAT 517 - Partial Differential Equations and Fourier Series

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Partial differential equations, boundary-value problems, Fourier series and orthogonal expansions, Bessel functions, and Legendre polynomials.
  • MAT 518 - Fourier Series, Transforms and Wavelets

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Orthogonal functions, Fourier series, Fourier transforms-continuous and discrete, Haar wavelets and multiresolution analysis, applications to signal processing. Additional work required of graduate students.
  • MAT 521 - Introduction to Probability

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Algebra of sets. Probability in finite sample spaces. Binomial and multinomial coefficients. Random variables. Expected value and standard deviation. Density functions. Statistical applications.
  • MAT 523 - Statistical Methods for Data Science

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Statistical methods (such as hypothesis testing, parameter estimation, regression, ANOVA, sampling, experimental design) required for data science. Emphasis on applications and using software. Additional work required for graduate students.
    PREREQ: MAT 397 AND (MAT 222 OR CIS 321 OR MAT 421 OR MAT 521)
  • MAT 524 - Regression Analysis

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring

    Concept, theory, methods, and applications of simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and logistic regression models; Parameter estimation and testing, Prediction, Regression diagnostics and model adequacy checking, Variable selection and model building.
    PREREQ: MAT 331 and (MAT 222 or MAT 421 or MAT 525)

  • MAT 525 - Mathematical Statistics

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Estimation and confidence intervals. Normal distribution and central limit theorem. Testing hypotheses, chi-square, t, and F distributions. Least squares, regression, and correlation.
  • MAT 526 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Discrete time Markov chains, Poisson process, continuous time Markov chains and other selected stochastic processes.
  • MAT 528 - Probability Models for Actuarial Science

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Applied probability focusing on distributions for actuarial applications. Conditional expectation. Moment generating functions. Limit theorems. Loss and Survival models. Parametric and Non-Parametric estimation. Model assessment. Benefit reserves and risk measures. Additional work required of graduate students.
    PREREQ: MAT 521 
  • MAT 531 - Second Course in Linear Algebra

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Abstract vector spaces and inner product spaces, linear transformations and linear operators, eigenvalues and diagonalization. Primarily for mathematics majors.
  • MAT 532 - Applied Linear Algebra

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Factorization of matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, orthogonality. Applications of matrices to such topics as least-squares approximation, fast Fourier transform, difference and differential equations, linear programming, networks, game theory.
  • MAT 534 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Theory of groups, rings, and fields, including the integers and polynomail rings.
  • MAT 541 - Introduction to Number Theory

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Prime numbers, greatest common divisors, congruences. Euler’s function, Fermat’s theorem, primitive roots, indices, quadratic residues, Legendre and Jacobi symbols, and the quadratic reciprocity law.
  • MAT 545 - Introduction to Combinatorics

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: CIS 545  
    Permutations, combinations, recurrence relations, generating functions, inclusion-exclusion and applications, introductory graph theory.
  • MAT 551 - Fundamental Concepts of Geometry

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Synthetic projective geometries. Coordinate systems for projective spaces. Algebraic representation of projective transformations; euclidean, non-euclidean, and affine geometries as real cases of projective geometry.
  • MAT 554 - Differential Geometry

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Theory of curves in three-dimensional space, including Frenet’s formula, Gaussian and mean curvature, geodesics, developable surfaces, special conformal mappings.
  • MAT 562 - Elementary Topology

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Metrics and metric spaces, topologies and topological spaces, separation properties, compactness, connectedness, and continuity.
  • MAT 581 - Numerical Methods with Programming

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Approximation methods for solution of nonlinear equations. Interpolation problems. Numerical integration. Solution of ordinary differential equations. Error analysis and writing computer programs. Primarily for mathematics and engineering students.
  • MAT 593 - History of Mathematics

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Mathematical concepts in their historical perspective. Character and contributions of the great mathematicians and relation of mathematics to other sciences.
  • MAT 599 - Senior Seminar in Mathematics

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Topic Chosen by the instructor. Permission of department.


  • MAX 123 - Critical Issues for the United States

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Interdisciplinary focus on critical issues facing America. Perspectives of social science disciplines on the meaning of the American Dream, its past and its future.
  • MAX 132 - Global Community

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Dynamics of worldwide society and its cultures. Global economy and political order. Tensions within these realms. Attempts by different communities to either participate in or to hold themselves aloof from “global culture.”
  • MAX 201 - Quantitative Methods for the Social Sciences

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Skills necessary to analyze data and evaluate research: research design, sampling design, descriptive and inferential statistics, data sources for social science, constructing data sets, reading and constructing tables and charts.
  • MAX 301 - Ethics, Justice, and Citizenship

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Seminar in ethics and political/social justice as they pertain to citizenship and civic action. Course covers historical and contemporary approaches to citizenship.
    COREQ: MAX 310 
  • MAX 302 - Civic Engagement Research Seminar

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Readings and research on application of social science methodologies to concrete civic, political, and global issues. Initial focus on Maxwell-based research; case studies of academically informed civic engagement; final project proposal on topic of student’s choice.
    PREREQ: MAX 301 
  • MAX 310 - Community Placement in Ethics, Justice and Citizenship

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Introduces students to a variety of non-profit and governmental agencies through service-learning.
    COREQ: MAX 301
  • MAX 401 - Civic Engagement Action Plan Workshop

    College of Arts and Sciences
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Capstone course for Maxwell Citizenship/Civic Engagement Program. Design and implementation of ‘Action Plan’ to improve social, economic and/or political conditions at the local, state, federal or global level.
    PREREQ: MAX 302
  • MAX 490 - Independent Study

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-6 credit(s)
    In-depth exploration of a problem or problems. Individual independent study upon a plan submitted by the student. Admission by consent of supervising instructor or instructors and the department.
  • MAX 499 - Honors Capstone Project

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1-3 credit(s)
    Completion of an Honors Capstone Project under the supervision of a faculty member.

Mechanical Engineering

  • MEE 270 - Experience Credit

    College of Engineering and Computer Science
    1-6 credit(s) Every semester
    Participation in a discipline- or subject-related experience. Students must be evaluated by written or oral reports or an examination. Limited to those in good academic standing.
  • MEE 290 - Independent Study

    College of Engineering and Computer Science
    1-6 credit(s) Every semester
    In-depth exploration of a problem or problems. Individual independent study upon a plan submitted by the student. Admission by permission of supervising instructor or instructors and the department.
  • MEE 332 - Machine Design

    College of Engineering and Computer Science
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Introduction to the design process. Design and analysis of machine components such as springs, gears, shafts, keys, drive chains and belts.
    PREREQ: ECS 325  AND ECS 222 
  • MEE 416 - Mechanical Engineering Laboratory

    College of Engineering and Computer Science
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Experiments in energy systems, air conditioning & refrigeration systems, turbomachine, heat transfer, fluid dynamics, solid mechanics, and control systems performed in small groups. Written reports and oral presentations required.
    PREREQ: MAE 251  AND MAE 315  AND MAE 341  AND MAE 355  

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