2020-2021 Undergraduate Course Catalog 
    Jul 03, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


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Please note, when searching courses by Code or Number, an asterisk (*) can be used to return mass results. For instance a Code search of 2* can be entered, returning all 200-level courses.


Nutrition Science and Dietetics

  • NSD 290 - Independent Study

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1-6 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    In-depth exploration of a problem or problems. Individual independent study upon a plan submitted by the student. Admission by consent of supervising instructor or instructors and the department.
  • NSD 312 - Food Service Systems Management

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Management of systems and procedures required to establish, maintain, and control all segments of revenue and cost within the food service operation. Application to human, material, and mechanical structure of food service establishments.
    PREREQ: NSD 275  
  • NSD 314 - Hospitality Human Resources Management

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1-3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Examination of human resource policies, practices, and systems required to attract, develop, and retain customer-focused employees. Emphasis on human resource issues within a diverse workforce. Instruction based classroom lecture, discussion, case studies and projects.
    PREREQ: NSD 216 
  • NSD 326 - Practice of Dietetics

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Laboratory application of nutrition science to dietetics. Introduction to tools and techniques used in dietetic practice.
    PREREQ: NSD 225
  • NSD 329 - Pediatric Diabetes

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1 credit(s) Irregularly
    An overview of causes, characteristics and nutrition guidelines and recommendations for children with diabetes.
    PREREQ: NSD 326 
  • NSD 342 - Nutrition in the Life Span

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Human nutritional needs related to health promotion and prevention of disease throughout the life cycle. Factors influencing nutritional status and requirements during various stages are emphasized.
    PREREQ: NSD 225 
  • NSD 343 - Dietary Supplements

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Explores dietary supplement regulations in USA; available supplements emphasizing weight loss, athletic performance, herbal supplements; risks and benefits, marketing, reliable information sources
    PREREQ: NSD 225 
  • NSD 371 - Dietetics Experience I

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1 credit(s) Irregularly
    Clinical experience related to nutritional needs throughout the life cycle.
  • NSD 417 - Integrative Food and Nutrition Therapy

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Double Numbered with: NSD 617
    This course explores the landscape of food and nutrition, past and present, the role of nutrition in therapeutic lifestyle changes and the use of food as a therapeutic modality. Additional work required by graduate students.
    PREREQ: NSD 225
  • NSD 418 - Vegetarian Nutrition

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) Odd academic yr e.g. 2007-8
    Double Numbered with: NSD 618
    This course examines history, benefits, risks, and variations of vegetarian diets. Plant sources of nutrients, and vegetarian menu planning to promote health across the life cycle.
    PREREQ: NSD 225
  • NSD 425 - Nutrition for Fitness and Sports

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Double Numbered with: NSD 625
    Energy needs of activity and effect of dietary intake on performance. Special dietary requirements of specific sports and athletic activities. Dietary ergogenic aids; weight control; sports fads and myths; interaction of alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco on nutrition. Additional work required of graduate students.
    PREREQ: NSD 225 
  • NSD 427 - Public Health Nutrition

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Double Numbered with: NSD 627
    Examines nutrition challenges and opportunities from an ecological perspective, emphasizing population-level approaches to improve nutritional status. Integrates case studies to examine challenges and programmatic and policy solutions. Prior statistics and basic nutrition course required. Additional work required of graduate students.
    PREREQ: NSD 225 
  • NSD 447 - Weight Management, Obesity and Disordered Eating

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Double Numbered with: NSD 647
    Basic principles of weight management and role of nutrition and physical fitness in weight control. Causes, characteristics, and treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia, pica, and obesity; strategies for nutritional management. Additional work required of graduate students.
    PREREQ: NSD 225 
  • NSD 452 - Mediterranean Food and Culture: A Florence Experience

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Double Numbered with: NSD 652
    Renowned cuisine and culture from a food studies and systems level to dietary patterns and health risks via lectures, readings, field trips and excursions from the SU Florence campus. Additional work required of graduate students.
    PREREQ: NSD 225 
  • NSD 455 - Community Nutrition

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    National, state, and local programs designed to meet food, nutrition, and health needs of vulnerable groups. Roles and functions of nutritionists in the community.
  • NSD 456 - Nutritional Biochemistry

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    4 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Structure of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins; their functions and interactions in a complex organism. Major reactions and regulation of metabolic pathways. For nutrition majors.
    PREREQ: CHE 106  AND CHE 116  AND BIO 216  AND BIO 217  
  • NSD 457 - Research and Evaluation in Nutrition

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Integrates an understanding and application of research methods in nutrition science. Requires evaluation of current research and builds on knowledge gained from other courses and applies it to research and evaluation.
  • NSD 458 - Participatory Program Planning

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Double Numbered with: NSD 658
    Participate with community of choice and research to produce a plan applying the steps of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model to develop a health promotion program. Additional work required of graduate students.
    PREREQ: NSD 225 
  • NSD 461 - Community Nutrition Experience

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1-3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Site visits and field experience with national, state, and local programs designed to meet food, nutrition, and health needs of vulnerable groups. Roles and functions of nutritionists in the community. Nutrition majors only.
    PREREQ: NSD 455 
  • NSD 462 - Biochemical and Physical Assessments Lab

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Double Numbered with: NSD 662
    This class provides hands-on training in the use of common biochemical, energetic, physical, and anthropometric methodologies to evaluate nutritional status. The focus is on the nutritional and public health applications of each method.
    PREREQ: NSD 225 AND NSD 456 OR an introductory level biochemistry course
  • NSD 466 - Nutritional Biochemistry II

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Metabolic processes of the body. Interrelationships and interdependence of nutritional factors.
    PREREQ: NSD 225  AND NSD 456  AND BIO 216  AND BIO 217 
  • NSD 469 - South Asia - Family, Food and Healthcare Systems

    Nutrition/Nutrition Science
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: HFS 469 
    Double Numbered with: NSD 669
    This course examines socio-cultural aspects of India from a nutrition, food systems and public health perspective using online instruction and a cultural immersion trip to India. Additional work required of graduate students.
  • NSD 470 - Experience Credit

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1-6 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    Participation in a discipline- or subject-related experience. Students must be evaluated by written or oral reports or an examination. Limited to those in good academic standing.
  • NSD 476 - Nutrition Seminar

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Trends and opportunities in dietetics; entrepreneurship; quality assurance; assessment of personal and professional goals, development of career plan.
  • NSD 477 - Senior Nutrition Seminar II

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Showcase the outcomes of the four year nutrition program by presenting a research portfolio engaging in a networking event and completing the fourth year assessment.
    PREREQ: NSD 476 
  • NSD 481 - Medical Nutrition Therapy I

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Double Numbered with: NSD 681
    Nutrition problems in adapting food habits for physical and metabolic alterations caused by selected disease states, within the context of the nutrition diagnostic and care process. Additional work required of graduate students.
    PREREQ: NSD 225  AND BIO 216  AND BIO 217 
  • NSD 482 - Medical Nutrition Therapy I Lab

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Double Numbered with: NSD 682
    Application of the nutrition care process, model, and diagnostic language for selected disease states to solve clinical nutrition problems. Additional work required of graduate students.
    PREREQ: NSD 225  AND BIO 216  AND BIO 217 
    COREQ: NSD 481 
  • NSD 483 - Medical Nutrition Therapy II

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Double Numbered with: NSD 683
    Nutrition problems in adapting food habits for physical and metabolic alterations caused by selected disease states within the context of the nutrition diagnostic and care process. Continuation of NSD 481/681. Additional work required of graduate students.
    PREREQ: NSD 481 
  • NSD 484 - Medical Nutrition Therapy II Lab

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Double Numbered with: NSD 684
    Application of the nutrition care process, model, and diagnostic language for selected disease states to solve clinical nutrition problems. Continuation of NSD 482/682. Additional work required of graduate students.
    PREREQ: NSD 482 
    COREQ: NSD 483 
  • NSD 490 - Independent Study

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1-6 credit(s) Every semester
    Exploration of a problem, or problems, in depth. Individual independent study upon a plan submitted by the student. Admission by consent of supervising instructor(s) and the department.
  • NSD 497 - Research Experience

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1-3 credit(s) Irregularly
    Laboratory, clinical, or community-based research under direct supervision of NSD department faculty. Projects incorporate use of scientific methods, (quantitative and qualitative), data analysis, presentation and interpretation, and the responsibilities of research integrity.
    Repeatable 5 time(s), 6 credits maximum
  • NSD 499 - Honors Capstone Project

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1-3 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    Completion of an Honors Capstone Project under the supervision of a faculty member.
    Repeatable 2 time(s), 3 credits maximum
  • NSD 500 - Selected Topics

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1-6 credit(s) Irregularly
    Exploration of a topic (to be determined) not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.
  • NSD 505 - Nutritional Biochemistry Overview

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Brief overview of structure/function of atoms and molecules of biological importance. Structure/function of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids in the complex biological environment. Introduction to metabolic pathways involved in utilization of energy nutrients.
    PREREQ: CHE 106  
  • NSD 511 - Nutrition Education

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    A theoretical basis for nutrition education and opportunity to develop skills for a wide variety of individuals.
    PREREQ: NSD 225  AND NSD 342 
  • NSD 512 - Nutrition Counseling

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    A theoretical basis for counseling related to nutrition and increased opportunities to develop nutrition counseling skills for a wide variety of individuals.
    PREREQ: NSD 225  AND NSD 342  AND NSD 511 
  • NSD 513 - Nutrition Education Experience

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1 credit(s) Every semester
    Prepare, disseminate, and evaluate nutrition education curriculum for peer or other audiences. Provide nutrition education on campus and in the community through table events, group presentations, and media campaigns.
    PREREQ: NSD 511  
    Repeatable 4 time(s), 5 credits maximum
  • NSD 515 - Physical Assessment and Multiskilling for Dietitians

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1 credit(s) Every semester
    Practice and skill validation in basic cardiovascular, respiratory, abdominal, muscular, and integumentary assessment. Diabetes and enteral feeding management.
    COREQ: NSD 481  OR NSD 681
  • NSD 516 - Nutrition Counseling Experience

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    1 credit(s) Every semester
    An applied interaction to develop nutrition counseling skills for working with a variety of individuals for health promotion, disease prevention in preparation for conducting medical nutrition therapy.
    PREREQ: NSD 512
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 2 credits maximum
  • NSD 555 - Food, Culture and Environment

    Nutrition and Food Studies
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Crosslisted with: WGS 555 
    Understand the environment in which nutrition education and communication occur. The broader environment includes cultural diversity, the food system from farm to table, as well as functionality of food components.
    PREREQ: NSD 115  AND NSD 225 

Nuclear Energy Track

  • NUC 301 - Introduction to Nuclear Engineering and Reactor Safety

    College of Engineering and Computer Science
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Importance of nuclear energy to society. Nuclear and radiological engineering. Nuclear energy production. Radioactive waste. Reactor safety
    PREREQ: PHY 212 
  • NUC 510 - Nuclear Reactor Design, Operation and Safety

    College of Engineering and Computer Science
    3 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    Crosslisted with: MAE 510 
    Principles of fission reactor analysis and design; reactor kinetics, operation and control; reactor thermo-fluid-dynamics; reactor safety; reactor accident case studies.
  • NUC 520 - Radiochemistry, Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and Nonproliferation

    College of Engineering and Computer Science
    3 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    Crosslisted with: CEN 520 
    Radiochemistry for nuclear reactors and nuclear fuel reprocessing; nonproliferation issues through detection and monitoring, nuclear fuel reprocessing and design, waste vitrification and storage facilities, safety issues in nuclear fuel reprocessing.
    PREREQ: NUC 301 
  • NUC 530 - Electric Power Generation and Distribution

    College of Engineering and Computer Science
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Fundamental principles governing the electro-mechanical power conversion; transformer; generators; introduction to power distribution systems; reliability and safety issues related to power generation and delivery, particularly in nuclear power plants.3
  • NUC 540 - Experiential Studies in Nuclear Technology

    College of Engineering and Computer Science
    3 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    Crosslisted with: CEN 540 
    Introduction to experimental methods, procedures and research techniques through projects at participating government facilities, industrial entities or Syracuse University.
    PREREQ: NUC 301  AND (NUC 510  OR NUC 520 )

Organization and Management

  • O&M 405 - Concepts of Air Force Management

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    0-3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: ASC 305 
    Theory and application of general concepts of leadership to Air Force situations. Group discussions, case studies, and role playing. Oral and written reports.
  • O&M 406 - Concepts of Air Force Management

    Martin J. Whitman School of Management
    0-3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Crosslisted with: ASC 306 
    General theory and practice of management, especially in the Air Force. Information systems, quantitative approaches to decision making, and resource control techniques used by Air Force managers.
    PREREQ: O&M 405  OR ASC 305 


  • OBO 130 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For non-music students.
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • OBO 135 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • OBO 136 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • OBO 230 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For non-music students.
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • OBO 235 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • OBO 236 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • OBO 330 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For non-music students.
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • OBO 335 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • OBO 336 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • OBO 339 - Performance Honors in Oboe

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • OBO 430 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For non-music students.
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • OBO 435 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • OBO 436 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • OBO 439 - Performance Honors in Oboe

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • OBO 530 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For non-music students.
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • OBO 535 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • OBO 536 - Oboe Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.

Organizational Leadership

  • OGL 300 - Selected Topics

    University College
    1-6 credit(s) Irregularly
    Exploration of a topic (to be determined) not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.
  • OGL 400 - Selected Topics

    University College
    1-6 credit(s) Irregularly
    Exploration of a topic (to be determined) not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.


  • ORG 110 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For non-music students.
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • ORG 115 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • ORG 116 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • ORG 210 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For non-music students.
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • ORG 215 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • ORG 216 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • ORG 310 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For non-music students.
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • ORG 315 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • ORG 316 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • ORG 319 - Performance Honors in Organ

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • ORG 410 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For non-music students.
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • ORG 415 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • ORG 416 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • ORG 419 - Performance Honors in Organ

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • ORG 510 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For non-music students.
    Repeatable 1 time(s), 4 credits maximum
  • ORG 515 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.
  • ORG 516 - Organ Instruction

    Setnor School of Music
    1-4 credit(s) Every semester
    For music students.

Public Affairs and Citizenship

  • PST 110 - Public Service Practicum

    College of Arts and Sciences
    1 credit(s) Every semester
    Students investigate the societal issues affecting members of the Syracuse community by completing a 35 hour community service requirement, attending 5 class meetings to reflect on their experiences, and completing weekly journals and two paper assignments.

Public Administration & International Affrs

  • PAI 305 - Policy Implementation

    Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Course focuses upon how public policy is put into action, with a focus on developing knowledge and skills essential for addressing some of society’s most complex problems.
  • PAI 415 - Poverty Policy

    Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
    3 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Course examines the nature and extend of poverty in the U.S., its causes and consequences, and the antipoverty effects of existing and proposed government programs and policies.
  • PAI 515 - China in Transition

    Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Offered only in Beijing. Seminar examines the unprecedented, multi-faceted transitional changes occurring in China since the late 1970s. Impact of reforms on China’s external relations.
  • PAI 580 - International Course

    Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
    1-12 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    Offered through SUAbroad by educational institution outside the United States. Student registers for the course at the foreign institution and is graded according to that institution’s practice. SUAbroad works with the S.U. academic department to assign the appropriate course level, title, and grade for the student’s transcript.
  • PST 515 - China in Transition

    Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
    3 credit(s) Every semester
    Offered only in Beijing. Seminar examines the unprecedented, multi-faceted transitional changes occurring in China since the late 1970s. Impact of reforms on China’s external relations.
  • PST 580 - International Course

    Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
    1-12 credit(s) Upon sufficient interest
    Offered through SUAbroad by educational institution outside the United States. Student registers for the course at the foreign institution and is graded according to that institution’s practice. SUAbroad works with the S.U. academic department to assign the appropriate course level, title, and grade for the student’s transcript.

Pedagogy of Theory

  • PDG 519 - Vocal Pedagogy

    Setnor School of Music
    2 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Voice science: structure of the vocal tract, acoustics, special equipment. Voice building: breath management, positioning of vocal tract, registration, placement, voice types, exercises. Laboratory experience. Four semesters of applied voice.
  • PDG 522 - Vocal Pedagogy II

    Setnor School of Music
    2 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Reinforcement of concepts and literature introduced in PDG 519 . Emphasises appropriate song/operatic literature used in teaching voice, hands-on teaching non-voice majors. Introduction to Voce Vista and pedagogical technology.
    PREREQ: PDG 519 
  • PDG 527 - Piano Pedagogy

    Setnor School of Music
    2 credit(s) Irregularly
    Philosophies and psychology of piano teaching. Materials for beginning and intermediate students in both individual and class teaching. Additional work required of graduate students.
  • PDG 530 - Workshop in Teaching of Strings

    Setnor School of Music
    1-2 credit(s) Irregularly
    Principles, methods, and problems associated with teaching string instruments to young people individually and in groups.

Physical Education

  • PED 106 - Indoor Cycling I

    School of Education
    1 credit(s) Every semester

    Concepts of health-related fitness and lifespan wellness provide the foundation for all fitness classes within the I-Move inventory.  Indoor cycling uses stationary bicycles to develop knowledge and skills specific to biking while building cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength.  


  • PED 107 - Interval Training I

    School of Education
    1 credit(s) Every semester
    Concepts of health-related fitness and lifespan wellness provide the foundation for all fitness classes within the I-Move inventory.  Interval training involves repeated workloads interspersed with periods of rest to maximize training time and results.  Strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, plyometrics, and functional movements are mixed and varied to create a challenging workout.  
  • PED 193 - Dance Fitness I

    School of Education
    1 credit(s) Every semester
    Concepts of health-related fitness and lifespan wellness provide the foundation for all fitness classes within the I-Move inventory.  Develop total fitness through cardiovascular training, muscle toning, strengthening and stretching, using dance and fitness-specific movements.  Appropriate for all fitness levels.   
  • PED 200 - Selected Topics

    School of Education
    1-6 credit(s)
    Exploration of a topic (to be determined) not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.
  • PED 201 - Beginning Yoga

    School of Education
    1 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    Knowledge and skill application of beginning lyengar Yoga. Introduction to postures, breathing techniques, and simple meditation. Body awareness, incorporating strength, flexibility, and balance.
  • PED 203 - Tai Chi I

    School of Education
    1 credit(s) At least 1x fall or spring
    An introduction to the art and science of Tai Chi including movement principles, basic concepts and techniques of internal training, and the health benefits of these techniques from an exercise science perspective.

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