2023-2024 Undergraduate Course Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Arts and Sciences Faculty

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Martin Abreu Zavaleta, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Ph.D., New York University, 2018
Philosophy of language 
Atanu Acharya, Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Ph.D., University of Southern California, 2016
Multiscale computational modeling, charge transport, flavoproteins, fluorescent proteins, and glycoproteins

Lois Agnew, Professor and Associate Provost for Academic Programs, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., Texas Christian University, 1999
History of rhetoric and composition studies, classical and British rhetorical theories, ethics and rhetoric, stylistics, rhetoric and philosophy, rhetoric, composition

Yasir Ahmed-Braimah, Assistant Professor, Biology
Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2015
Computational genomics, evolutionary genetics, speciation, molecular basis of reproductive interactions

David M. Althoff, Associate Professor, Biology
Ph.D., Washington State University, 1998
Species interactions, molecular ecology, insect community ecology

Douglas R. Anderson, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D., Yale University, 1966
Algebraic topology

Luvell Anderson, Associate Professor, Philosophy
Ph.D., Rutgers University, 2011
Philosophy of language, philosophy of race, and aesthetics

Kevin Antshel, Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2000
Developmental psychopathology with particular emphasis on attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD), Cognitive/behavioral interventions designed to improve functioning in these populations

Philip P. Arnold, Associate Professor, Religion
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1992
History of religions, Indigenous traditions of the Americas

Marina Artuso, Professor, Physics
Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1986
Experimental high energy physics, flavor physics 

Mona Awad, Assistant Professor, English
Ph.D., University of Denver, 2018
Contemporary Fiction, Fairy Tales, Horror

Suzanne L. Baldwin, Thonis Family Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., State University of New York at Albany, 1988
Mineralogy, petrology, thermochronology, tectonics

Stefan Ballmer, Professor, Physics
Ph.D., MIT, 2006
Experimental astrophysics, gravitational waves

Uday Banerjee, Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1985
Numerical solutions of differential equations

Rusty Bartels, Associate Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., Cultural Studies, University of California, Davis, 2016

Crystal Bartolovich, Associate Professor, English
Ph.D., Emory University, 1993
Marxism, early modern studies, cultural studies

Kenneth Baynes, Professor, Philosophy 
Ph.D., Boston University, 1986
Social and political philosophy, critical theory, continental philosophy

Dorri Beam, Associate Professor, English
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2001
Nineteenth-century American literature and culture, gender and sexuality studies, race and nineteenth-century American literature

Katie M. Becklin, Assistant Professor, Biology
Ph.D., University of Missouri, 2010
Plant physiological ecology, plant-microbe interactions, global change effects on plant physiology

Frederick C. Beiser, Professor Emeritus, Philosophy
D.Phil., University of Oxford (United Kingdom), 1980
Early modern philosophy, Kant, German idealism, 19th Century Philosophy

John M. Belote, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1979
Developmental genetics, genetic and molecular analysis of sex determination in Drosophila

Chanelle Benz, Associate Professor, English
M.F.A., Syracuse University, 2012
Fiction, Creative Writing, Contemporary Literature, Black Voices

Patrick W. Berry, Associate Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011
Literacy Studies; Qualitative Research Methods; Computers and Writing; Teacher Education; Cultural Historic Activity Theory; Higher Education in Prison; Professional Writing and Publishing; and Histories of Rhetoric & Composition

Tej K. Bhatia, Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1978
Linguistics (Bilingualism & Multilingualism; Forensic Linguistics); Hindi  and South Asian Linguistics

Himika Bhattacharya, Associate Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2008
Feminist Theory, Third World and Transnational Feminisms, Feminist Ethnography

Tripti Bhattacharya, Thonis Family Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2016
Paleoclimate Dynamics
Benita Blachman, Trustee Professor Emerita, Education and Psychology
Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 1981
Reading and learning abilities

Marion E. Bickford, Research Professor and Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1960
Petrologist and isotope geochemist

Jerome Blackman, Associate Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D. Cornell University, 1951
Melanie Blanden, Assistant Teaching Professor, Biology
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2018
Relationships between structure and substrate recognition

Steven Blusk, Professor, Physics
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1995
Experimental high-energy particle physics, flavor physics

Mark Bousquet, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., Purdue University, 2011

Mark Bowick, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 1983
Condensed matter theory

William “Ben” Bradley, Allan and Anita Sutton Professor of Philosophy, Philosophy
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1999
Ethical theory, environmental ethics, philosophy of death

Arun Brahmbhatt, Assistant Professor, Religion
Ph.D., University of Toronto, 2018
Hinduism, South Asian religions, religion and culture

Mark S. Braiman, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Solar photoreduction of carbon dioxide for carbon sequestration and energy storage; membrane protein expression, purification, and crystallization; time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy applied to photochemical systems

Zachary J. Braiterman, Professor, Religion 
Ph.D., Stanford University, 1995
Modern Jewish thought and culture, religion, and art

Collin Gifford Brooke, Associate Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of Texas at Arlington, 1997
Rhetorics of technology, histories and theories of rhetoric, critical theory

Amanda Brown, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., Boston University, 2007
Second language acquisition, language teaching, gesture studies 

Daniel Brown, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2014

Duncan Brown, Charles Brightman Professor, Physics
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2004
Theoretical astrophysics, relativity, gravitational waves

Kevin Adonis Browne, Associate Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, 2009
Rhetorics and poetics of the Black Americas, visual rhetoric, digital humanities, multimodal epistemologies, vernacular archiving, popular culture, creative nonfiction

Joan Bryant, Associate Professor, African American Studies
Ph.D., Yale University, 1996
American religious history

Gail Bulman, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1996
Spanish, 20th-century Latin American literature

Michael Burkard, Professor Emeritus
M.F.A., University of Iowa, 1973
Creative writing, poetry

Sara E. Burke, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Yale University, 2016
Social psychology of intergroup bias, including stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, and experiences of stigma

Virginia Burrus, Bishop W. Earl Ledden Professor, Religion
Ph.D., Graduate Theological Union, 1991
Ancient Christianities, martyrdom and asceticism, hagiography, historical theologies

Craig Cahillane, Assistant Professor, Physics
PhD, California Institute of Technology, 2021
Experimental astrophysics, gravitational waves

Dympna Callaghan, William Safire Professor of Modern Letters and University Professor, English
Ph.D., Sussex University, 1986
Feminism, early modern culture, and theory

Horace Campbell, Professor, African American Studies
Ph.D., Sussex University, 1979
Comparative politics of Africa and the Caribbean, armaments culture, political economy

Gerald T. Cargo, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D. University of Michigan, 1959
Real and complex analysis

Jeffrey S. Carnes, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 1986
Greek poetry, mythology and Augustan Rome

Linda Carty, Professor Emeritus, African American Studies 
Ph.D., University of Toronto (Canada), 1989
Race, class, and gender studies; comparative sociology; international development postcolonial discourse; Third World feminisms

Carlos Castañeda, Associate Professor, Biology/Chemistry
PhD., Johns Hopkins University, 2009
Biophysics, biophysical chemistry, protein structure, dynamics and function, posttranslational modifications, chemical biology, structural biology, nuclear magnetic resonance of proteins and protein complexes, neuroscience

Theo Cateforis, Associate Professor, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2000
American music, popular music and media, film music

Simon Catterall, Professor, Physics 
Ph.D., Oxford University (United Kingdom), 1988
Theoretical high energy particle physics, elementary particles, computational physics, quantum information science

Joseph Chaiken, Professor, Chemistry
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1982
Physical chemistry, inter-/intramolecular energy transfer, molecular beam/laser spectroscopy, laser chemistry, fractals, coalescence growth systems, biomedical spectroscopy

Arindam Chakraborty, Professor, Chemistry 
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2005
Theoretical and computational investigation of energy conversion processes in quantum dots and solar cells; electrochemical processes on metal surfaces; development of quantum mechanical methods for nuclear and electronic dynamics; applications to materials and biomolecules

Samuel H.P. Chan, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., University of Rochester, 1970
Mitochondrial membrane complexes, bioenergetics in normal and tumor tissues

Pinyuen Chen, Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1982

Melissa Chipman, Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017
Arctic Paleoecology & Paleoclimate

John D. Chisholm, Professor, Chemistry
Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 2000
Organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, synthesis, catalysis

Heather Coleman, Associate Professor, Biology 
PhD, University of British Columbia, 2008
Genetic and environmental control of cell wall formation, biotechnology, plant functional genomics

Steven Cohan, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles, 1974
Film Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Popular Culture, Queer Theory, Narrative Theory, Cultural Studies

Dan Coman, Professor, Mathematics 
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1997
Several complex variables

Jennifer Cook, Assistant Teaching Professor, Biology
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2019
Neuroscience; inclusive pedagogical practices; Using the neuroscience of learning and memory to design courses that maximize learning potential

Sally J. Cornelison, Professor, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London, 1998
Italian Renaissance Art

Catherine A. Cornwell, Associate Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1975
Neurobiology of learning and memory

Kathleen Corrado, Professor of Practice, Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1992
Forensic Science, Forensic DNA analysis
Daniel Corral, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Colorado Boulder, 2017
Cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive science
Eric Coughlin, Assistant Professor, Physics
Ph.D., University of Colorado Boulder, 2016
Theoretical astrophysics, black holes

J. Theodore Cox, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D., Cornell University, 1976

James Crill II, Professor of Practice, Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute
BS, Syracuse University, 2007
Detection and characterization of biological weapons of mass destruction and deconvolution of complex metagenomic sample types

Amy H. Criss, Professor, Psychology 
Ph.D., Indiana University, 2004
Human memory; mathematical modeling

Daniel Curewitz, Associate Teaching Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., Duke University, 2000
Structural geology

Deepika Das, Assistant Teaching Professor, Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Texas A&M University
Analytical method development and validation for detection and quantification of drugs and forensically relevant substances

Jonathan Dee, Associate Professor, English
B.A., Yale, 1984
Creative writing, fiction

Joseph Denn, Assistant Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
M.A., French and Francophone Studies, 2010
Jamie Desjardins, Associate Teaching Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2011

Steven Diaz, Professor, Mathematics 
Ph.D., Brown University, 1982
Algebraic geometry

Vlad Dima, Professor, African American Studies
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2010
African cinema, francophone studies, French cinema, film theory, literary studies

PJ DiPietro, Associate Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies
Ph.D. in Philosophy, Binghamton University, SUNY, 2012
Decolonial Feminism, Feminist Philosophy, Latina/o/x Studies, Trans* and Queer of Color Studies, Comparative Ethnic Studies, Anthropology of Religion (Andean, Mesoamerican, and Afro-Latinx cosmologies), Anthropology of Space. 

Joseph W. Ditre, Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., University of South Florida, 2010
Health psychology, behavioral medicine, addiction/addictive behaviors and chronic physical and mental health disorders

Laurinda Dixon, Professor Emeritus, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., Boston University, 1980
Relationship of art and science before the Enlightenment

Helen M. Doerr, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D., Cornell University, 1994
Secondary mathematics education, teacher and student learning, mathematical modeling, and mathematical communication.

Karen Doherty, Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1994
Audiology, psychoacoustics, hearing aids, speech perception

Steve Dorus, Professor, Biology 
Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2004
Evolutionary genetics of sexual reproduction, molecular evolution and sexual selection, genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics

Janice Dowell, Professor, Philosophy
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 2002
Philosophy of language, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, metaethics

Robert P. Doyle, Dean’s Professor, Chemistry
Ph.D., University of Dublin, Trinity College, 2002, Anderson Foundation Fellow, Yale University, 2004
Peptide conjugate chemistry, biochemistry, oral drug development

Emily Dressing, Associate Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
M.A., Syracuse University, 2004

Marvin Druger, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1961
Science teacher education, general biology instruction, evolutionary genetics

Kishi Animashaun Ducre, Associate Professor, African American Studies
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2005
Environmental justice

Jerome Dusek, Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1969

Tanya L. Eckert, Associate Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Lehigh University, 1996
Assessment of academic and behavioral problems, school-based interventions, acceptability of assessment procedures

Susan Edmunds, Professor, English
Ph.D., Yale University, 1991
Twentieth-century American literature, modernism, African American literature, theories of the body

Kevan Edwards, Associate Professor, Philosophy
Ph.D., Rutgers University, 2006
Philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, cognitive science

Mary Louise Edwards, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Stanford University, 1979
Phonetics, phonology, articulation, phonological development and disorders

Mona Eikel-Pohen, Associate Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., Modern German Literature, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, 2009
Pedagogies of participation, instructional design, foreign language teaching methods

Ulrich Englich, Research Assistant Professor, Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute
Dr.rer.nat., Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, 1994
Analytical methods for the detection and quantitation of drugs and drug metabolites

Scott E. Erdman, Associate Professor, Biology
Ph.D., University of California, Davis, 1994
Regulation of cell differentiation

Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson, Associate Professor, Philosophy
DPhil, University of Sussex, 2012
Political philosophy and contemporary European philosophy

Kathryn Everly, Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of Texas, 2000
Contemporary Peninsular Spanish literature, Catalan literature and women writers

Craig K. Ewart, Professor Emeritus, Psychology

Carol W.N. Fadda, Associate Professor, English
Ph.D., Purdue University, 2006
Critical race and ethnic studies, Arab American studies, women’s and gender studies, diaspora and transnational studies, race, empire, and immigration, transnational MENA/SWANA studies

Christina Feikes, Associate Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
M.A., M.S., Syracuse University, 1992

Christopher W. Fernandez, Assistant Professor, Biology
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 2014
Mycorrhizal fungi, soil ecology, plant-soil feedbacks, ecosystem ecology

Gareth J. Fisher, Associate Professor, Religion
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2006
Buddhism, religion in China, globalization

Paul G. Fitzgerald, Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., University of Melbourne (Australia), 1988
Tectonics, Low temperature thermochronology (fission track, U-T h/He)

Arthur Flowers, Professor Emeritus
B.A., City University of New York, 1979
Creative writing, fiction

Thomas P. Fondy, Professor Emeritus, Biology
Ph.D., Duquesne University, 1961
Cancer Biology, Chemotherapy, and Drug Resistance. Cancer Physical Therapy with Pulsed Low-frequency Ultrasound. Immunology and Cancer. Animal Models in Cancer Research.

Nicole L. Fonger, Associate Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., Western Michigan University, 2012
Mathematical Education, Students’ Fluency in Algebraic Representation
Janet Ford, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. Syracuse University, 2005
Speech-Language Pathology

Chris Forster, Associate Professor, English
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2011
Modernism, British twentieth century literature and culture, digital humanities

John M. Franck, Assistant Professor, Chemistry 
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2008
Physical chemistry; analytical chemistry, Biophysical chemistry, Dynamics and unique hydration
Properties of biological and materials systems

Wayne Franits, Distinguished Professor, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 1987
Baroque art, 17th-century Dutch painting

Douglas A. Frank, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1990
Plant and ecosystem ecology, emphasizing the effects of ungulates on grasslands

Walter Freeman, Associate Teaching Professor, Physics
Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2011
Physics education research, theoretical particle physics
Jonathan French, Assistant Teaching Professor, Chemistry
Ph.D., University at Buffalo, 2014

Ken Frieden, B.G. Rudolph Professor, Religion/English/Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., Yale University, 1984
Comparative literature, Hebrew and Yiddish fiction, European and American Jewish traditions, literary theory 

Myrna Garcia-Calderón, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1989
Caribbean literature
Colleen Gargan, Associate Teaching Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2020
Speech-Language Pathology
Austin M. Garner, Assistant Professor, Biology
Ph.D., The University of Akron, 2021
Organismal attachment, functional morphology, biomechanics, anatomy, bio-inspired adhesion biomimetics

Anthony Garza, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Texas A and M University, 1995
Microbiology, gene expression in development

Pierre Yves Gaudreau Lamarre, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., Princeton University, 2020
Probability, spectral theory of random matrices, stochastic partial differential equations

Les A. Gellis, Associate Teaching Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Memphis, 2006
Cognitive and behavioral elements that contribute to stress, insomnia, and other sleep disorders

Timothy W. Gerken, Associate Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., Fordham University, 2006

Stefano Giannini, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2002
Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature, Historical novel, migration and exile studies

Jonna Gilfus, Associate Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2012

Mike Goode, Professor, English
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2001
British Romantic and early Victorian literature and culture, gender studies

Samuel Gorovitz, Professor, Philosophy
Ph.D., Stanford University, 1963
Ethics, public policy, decision making

Lenny Grant, Assistant Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2017
Rhetorics of Health and Medicine, Rhetoric of Science, Technical and Professional Writing,
Veterans’ Issues

Jack E. Graver, Professor, Mathematics 
Ph.D., Indiana University, 1966
Combinatorics and graph theory

Biko Mandela Gray, Associate Professor, Religion
Ph.D., Rice University, 2017
African-American religion, philosophy of religion and race

Duane T. Graysay, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 2016
Mathematics Education, Mathematical Practices

Christopher Green, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
PhD, Linguistics, Indiana University, 2010
Prosodic phonology, the phonology-morphology interface, and field linguistics

Gerald R. Greenberg, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics 
Ph.D., Cornell University, 1985
Russian, Slavic linguistics

Philip S. Griffin, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1982

Matthew Grzecki, Assistant Teaching Professor, English
MFA, Syracuse University, 2015
Pawel Grzegrzolka, Assistant Teaching Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 2019
Coarse topology, fuzzy set theory

Lin Guo, Assistant Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., Second and Foreign Language Education,The Ohio State University, 2014

Erika Haber, Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1993
Russian language and literatures

Rania Habib, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of Florida, 2008
Sociolinguistics, Language variation and change, second dialect acquisition, bilingualism, intercultural communication, Arabic linguistics

Sarah Hakimzadeh, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 2019

Sarah E. Hall, Associate Professor, Biology
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2004
Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of environmental programming in animals

Roger Hallas, Associate Professor, English
Ph.D., New York University, 2002
Film, documentary, visual culture, LGBT studies

Brianna Hammerle, Assistant Teaching Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
M,S SUNY Geneseo 2012
Speech Language Pathology

Matthew Hammill, Assistant Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., English with a concentration in Applied Linguistics, Arizona State University, 2014

Youmie Hammill, Assistant Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., Applied Linguistics, Arizona State University, 2016

M. Gail Hamner, Professor, Religion
Ph.D., Duke University, 1997
Pragmatism, critical theory, women’s studies, film, and popular culture

Bryce Hand, Professor Emeritus

Chris Hanson, Associate Professor, English
Ph.D., University of Southern California, 2010
Game studies, esports, digital media, film, and television

Kate Hanzalik, Associate Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., Clemson University, 2017

Sarah Harwell, Associate Teaching Professor, English
Creative writing, poetry, fiction 

Brooks Haxton, Professor, English
M.A., Syracuse University, 1981
Creative writing, poetry

Mark Heller, Professor, Philosophy
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1984
Metaphysics, epistemology

H. Ernest Hemphill, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Cornell University, 1967
Microbiology, microbial genetics

Heidi Hehnly, Associate Professor, Biology
Ph.D., University of Iowa College of Medicine, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, 2009
The role of cell division in tissue morphogenesis

James A. Hewett, Associate Professor, Biology
Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1991
Central nervous system, inflammation, arachidonic acid metabolism, therapeutics, gene expression, epilepsy, epileptogenesis

Sandra J. Hewett, Beverly Petterson Bishop Professor of Neuroscience, Biology
Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1992
Molecular and biochemical mechanisms that underlie both cell death and protection as well as the normal physiological function of the central nervous system with a focus on astrocyte-neuron interactions

Margaret Himley, Professor Emeritus, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1983
Composition and critical pedagogy, curriculum design, LGBT studies and queer rhetoric, phenomenological theories of children and childhood

Gregory D. Hoke, Jessie Page Heroy Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., Cornell University, 2006
Geomorphology, sedimentary geology, tectonics

James L. Hougland, Professor, Chemistry 
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2005
Bioorganic chemistry; biochemistry; enzymology; substrate selection and molecular recognition in protein posttranslational modification

Rebecca Moore Howard, Professor Emeritus, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., West Virginia University, 1984
Theory of authorship, print culture studies, stylistics, composition history, sociolinguistics, writing across the curriculum, composition pedagogy, writing program administration

William J. Hoyer, Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Ph.D. West Virginia University, 1972

Meichan Huang, Assistant Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Texas A&M University, 2019

Wu-the Hsiang, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1977
Differential geometry and differential equations

Xiaoran Hu, Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Ph.D., Tufts University, 2017
Organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, and smart materials
Mariaelena Huambachano, Assistant Professor, Religion/NAIS
Ph.D., University of Auckland, 2016
Indigenous philosophies of wellbeing, sustainable development, food sovereignty

Jay Hubisz, Professor, Physics
Ph.D. Cornell University, 2006
Theoretical particle physics, cosmology, quantum information science

Bruce S. Hudson, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1972
Molecular spectroscopy and biophysical chemistry; inelastic neutron scattering studies of molecular crystals, especially those with unusual hydrogen bonding and comparison with theory; biophysical applications of fluorescence

Josh R. Hunt, Assistant Professor, Philosophy 
Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2022
History and philosophy of science

Margaret Innes, Assistant Professor, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., Harvard University, 2019
History of photography, moder/contemporary art and visual culture

Linda C. Ivany, Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1997
Evolutionary paleoecology, paleontology, paleoclimatology, stable isotope paleobiology

Tadeusz Iwaniec, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics 
Ph.D., University of Warsaw, 1975
Geometric Function Theory, Nonlinear Analyses and Partial Differential Equations with applications to Elasticity Theory and Material Sciences

Tanisha Jackson, Assistant Professor, African American Studies
Ph.D., Ohio State University, 2010
Community Folk Art Center director
Black women’s wellness/contemporary art/popular culture 

Brett K. Jakubiak, Associate Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 2017
Social/personality/health psychology
Thomas John, Assistant Teaching Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2004

Samuel Johnson, Assistant Professor, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., Harvard University, 2015
Modern and Contemporary European Art

Jean Jonassaint, Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., Universite de Montreal (Canada), 1990
Francophone studies, Haitian novel

Harold Jones, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Princeton University, 1968
Spanish golden age literature

Randall S. Jorgenson, Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1983
Health psychology, effects of personality coping, stress and heredity on cardiovascular reactivity
Jeanette S. Jouili, Associate Professor, Religion
Ph.D., École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris and University of Frankfurt/Oder University, 2007
Anthropology of religion, Islam, ethics, religious pluralism and secularism, popular culture, race, gender
Jessie Joyce, Assistant Teaching Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Temple University, 2019
Social psychology

Elizabeth Juarez-Cummings, Assistant Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Indiana University, 2016
Spanish Language, Literature and Culture

Christopher Junium, Associate Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., Penn State University, 2010
Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, geobiology, and stable isotope and organic geochemistry

Michael L Kalish, Professor, Psychology
Ph.D. University of California at San Diego, 1993
Cognitive mechanisms responsible for the nature of human learning and memory, with a particular focus on categorization and dimensional attention

James Kallmerten, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Brown University, 1979
Organic chemistry, organic synthesis, emphasizing methods and strategies for the preparation of biologically active natural products and electro-optical materials

Afton Kapuscinski, Associate Teaching Professor, Psychology
Pd.D., Syracuse University, 2012
Clinical psychology

Nicole G. Karam, Assistant Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2020
French Language, Literature, and Culture, French and Francophone Studies

Mary Karr, Jesse Truesdell Peck Professor of English Literature, English
M.F.A., Goddard College, 1980
Creative writing, poetry

Jeffrey A. Karson, Professor Emeritus, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., State University of New York at Albany, 1977
Tectonics & Magmatism of Rifts and Transform Faults

Tazim R. Kassam, Associate Professor, Religion
Ph.D., McGill University, 1993
History of religions, Islam, religions of South Asia

David Kellen, Associate Professor, Psychology
Ph.D. Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, 2011
Mathematical cognitive psychology

Lee Kennard, Associate Professor, Mathematics 
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2012
Riemannian geometry, algebraic topology, and transformation groups

Christopher Kennedy, Professor, English
M.F.A., Syracuse University, 1988
Creative writing, prose poetry, and short fiction

Krista Kennedy, Associate Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D. University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 2009
Rhetorics of Technology, Algorithmic Rhetorics, Disability Studies, Data Surveillance, Authorship, Intellectual Property

Kristen Kennedy, Assistant Teaching Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Au.D. A.T. Still University of Health Sciences, 2012
Katherine Kidd, Assistant Teaching Professor, English
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 2016
Katherine Kidwell, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2018
Clinical psychology

Eunjung Kim, Associate Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies
Ph.D., University of Illinois, Chicago, 2007
Transnational feminist disability studies; disability and the media; asexuality studies; Korean cultural history of disability, gender, and sexuality; and disabled women’s movements

H. Hyune-Ju Kim, Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., Stanford University, 1988

Coran Klaver, Associate Professor, English
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1995
Nineteenth-century British literature and culture, feminist theory, gender studies, and affect theory

Mark Kleiner, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D., Kiev State University, 1972
Representations of finite dimensional algebras

Carl Kohls, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D. Purdue University 1957
Ring theory and topology

Tammy Kordas, Associate Teaching Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Au.D. Arizona School of Health Sciences, 2005

Ivan V. Korendovych, Professor, Chemistry 
Ph.D., Tufts University, 2006
Bioinorganic chemistry, biophysics, inorganic chemistry, chemical biology

Jaklin Kornfilt, Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1984
Syntactic theory, syntactic and morphological typology, German syntax, Turkish and Turkic linguistics

Timothy M. Korter, Professor, Chemistry 
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 2001
Laser spectroscopy and computational chemistry

Leonid Kovalev, Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D. Washington University, 2005
Geometric function theory

Delali Kumavie, Assistant Professor, English
Ph.D. Northwestern University, 2020
African and African Diasporic literature, Global Black Literatures, Studies in Science and Technology, Migration and Transnationality, and Black Feminism

John Laiho, Associate Professor, Physics
Ph.D., Princeton University, 2004
Theoretical high energy and particle physics, lattice quantum chromodynamics, lattice gravity, flavor physics

Robert Lally, Assistant Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
M.A., University of Massachusetts
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Gregg Lambert, Professor
Ph.D., University of California at Irvine, 1995
Comparative literature and theory

L. Jamie Lamit, Assistant Professor, Biology
Ph.D., Northern Arizona University, 2013
Ecology of plants, microbes and soil, with an emphasis on global change and wetlands

George M. Langford, Dean Emeritus
Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1971
Cell and molecular biology of the actin cytoskeleton, axonal transport in nerve cells

Loredana Lanzani, Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D. Purdue University; 1997
Harmonic analysis, PDEs and several complex variables

Lawrence Lardy, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D. University of Minnesota, 1964
Banach algebras and numerical methods
Anne Leone, Assistant Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of Cambridge, 2011
Medieval Italian Literature and Culture

Graham J. Leuschke, Professor, Mathematics 
Ph.D., University of Nebraska, 2000
Algebra, Commutative algebra

Lawrence J. Lewandowski, Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1978
School psychology, exceptional children, neuropsychology

Jacques Lewin, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D. New York University, 1964
Group theory and ring theory

Katharine Lewis, Professor, Biology
Ph.D. University College, London 1998
Specification and patterning of spinal cord interneurons, formation of functional neuronal circuitry, evolution of spinal cord patterning
and function, dorsal-ventral neural tube patterning, zebrafish development

Wei Li, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 2018
Anita Lightburn, Associate Teaching Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
M.S. Syracuse University, 1991
Speech-Language Pathology
Meredith Lillich, Professor Emeritus, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1969
Medieval studies
John A. Lindberg Jr., Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1960
Banach algebras, Banach spaces

Carol Lipson, Professor Emeritus, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 1971
Rhetoric of ancient cultures before the Greeks, technical communication, science writing

Laura Lisnyczyj, Assistant Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures
M.A, Linguistics, 2004
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
David Lissner, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D. Cornell University, 1959
Linear algebra and commutative algebra
Meghan Lister, Assistant Teaching Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
M.S., Massachusetts General Hospital -Institute of Health Professions, 2001
Speech-Language Pathology
Jianxuan Liu, Assistant Professor, Mathematics 
Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 2017
Zhanjiang (John) Liu, Professor, Biology
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1989
Aquaculture genomics and bioinformatics
Lynn Lohnas, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2012

Soren Lowell, Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2005
Voice physiology, voice disorders, swallowing, neurolaryngology

Zunli Lu, Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2008
Low temperature geochemistry and Earth System Evolution

Sarah Lucas, Assistant Professor, Biology
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2020
Human microbiome, metagenomics, bioinformatics, anaerobic microbiology, experimental microbiology

Avi Luce, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2017

Yan-Yeung Luk, Associate Professor, Chemistry
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2001
Bio-organic, chemical biology, nanometer scale and biocompatible materials, biosurfaces

Adam Lutoborski, Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., Polish Academy of Sciences, 1981
Numerical analysis, Applied mathematics

Jessica MacDonald, Associate Professor, Biology
Ph.D., University of British Columbia, 2008
Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms regulating neuronal development and function; gene-
environmental interactions and neurodevelopmental disorders

Laura V. Machia, Associate Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Purdue University, 2012
Social psychology; inter- and intra-personal dynamics of close relationships
Frank Macomber, Professor Emeritus, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1966
Music history
Ethan Madarieta, Assistant Professor, English
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 2020
Latin American, Latina/o/x, Black, and Indigenous studies with specializations in Latin American, Latina/o/x, and Pan-American Indigenous theory and literatures
Rachana Maharjan, Assistant Teaching Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., Bowling Green State University, 2022
Statistics, Multiple testing problem, simultaneous inference

Eleanor Maine, Professor, Biology 
Ph.D., Princeton University, 1984
Developmental genetics, cell-signaling, germ line biology

Stephen Maisto, Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1975
Etiology and treatment of alcohol and drug use disorders, treatment and process, outcome evaluation

Olga V. Makhlynets, Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Ph.D., Tufts University, 2011
Metalloproteins, manganese homeostasis, protein design, antimicrobial hydrogels and catalytic fibrils

M. Lisa Manning, Professor, Physics
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2008
Theoretical condensed matter physics focusing of soft and biological systems; disordered solids and glasses; emergent mechanical properties in developing embryonic tissues; pattern formation in biological tissues; models for friction and shear banding

Georgia Mansell, Assistant Professor, Physics
PhD., Australian National University [Australia], 2018
Experimental astrophysics, gravitational waves

Michael Marciano, Research Associate Professor, Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute
Ph.D., Structural Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Syracuse University, 2018
The intersection of genetic identity, DNA based forensic science, and issues pertaining to national security. Specific emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of low quality/quantity human and non-human DNA samples using both laboratory techniques and computational tools including machine learning to address problem sets such as DNA mixture interpretation and single cell analyses

M. Cristina Marchetti, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., University of Florida, 1982
Condensed-matter theory

Mary Lou Marien, Professor Emeritus, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1978
History of photography and theory

Brian K. Martens, Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1985
Applied behavior analysis and school consultation

Meredith Martin, Associate Teaching Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2014
Developmental psychology

Joanna O. Masingila, Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., Indiana University, 1992
Teacher learning, prospective teacher educator learning

Matilde Mateo, Associate Research Professor, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 1994
Art and Architecture of Middle Ages, Medievalism

Vivian M. May, Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies 
Ph.D., Emory University, 1997
Black feminist intellectual history; Intersectionality as theory and method; Anna Julia Cooper studies

Mathew M. Maye, Professor, Chemistry
Ph.D., SUNY Binghamton, 2005
Inorganic chemistry, materials science, nanoscience, biomimetics, self-assembly

Janis A. Mayes, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Brown University, 1975
Francophone, African, Caribbean, and African-American literatures, literary translation

Terry R. McConnell, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1981
Probability, analysis

Robin McCrary, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., Ohio University, 2020

Moira A. McDermott, Associate Teaching Professor, Mathematics 
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1996
Commutative Algebra

Vera McIlvian, Associate Teaching Professor, Biology
Ph.D., Upstate Medical University, 2004
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of eye and brain development
Stephanie McMillen, Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorder
Ph.D., University of Memphis, 1997
Communication Sciences & Disorders
Danika Medak-Saltzman, Assistant Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies
Ph.D., University of California Berkeley
Indigenous feminisms; comparative ethnic studies; Native literature and histories; national memory; race and representation; visual and material culture; haunting and the trace; transnational movement of American colonial ideologies-particularly in the case of Japan; new media; Indigenous and intersectional futurisms.
Ana Mendez-Oliver, Assistant Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., Columbia University
Latin American and Iberian Cultures
Rae Ann Meriwether, Associate Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Greensboro, 2011

Jeff Meyer, Associate Teaching Professor, Mathematics 
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1997
Number theory, special functions

Alan Middleton, Professor, Physics
Ph.D., Princeton University, 1990
Condensed matter, theory; computational physics

Mirna Mihovilovic, Assistant Professor, Physics
Ph.D., Brown University, 2014
Biological physics, animal behavior, neurobiology, advanced optical methods for manipulation and imaging

Claudia Miller, Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997
Commutative algebra

Linda Milosky, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1986
Language development and disorders, discourse processing, pragmatics, cognition and language

Aaron Mohammed, Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., University of Calgary, 2019
Hydrogeology, cold region hydrology
Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Distinguished Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies
Ph.D., Education, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1987
Transnational feminist thought; anti-racist, anti-capitalist pedagogy and education; post-colonial and global south studies; neoliberalism, and the politics of knowledge

Patricia Moody, Associate Professor, English
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 1972
English language histories and history of linguistics, Discourse analysis, particularly medieval, Reception of the medieval, and Critical pedagogy

Noreen Moore, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of Delaware, 2009

Behzad Mortazavi, Professor and Dean, Biology
Ph.D., Florida State University, 1998
Biogeochemistry, terrestrial and marine ecosystems, natural and anthropogenic impacts

Robert Moucha, Associate Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., University of Toronto, 2003
Geodynamics, Geophysics and High Performance Computing

Raymond Mountain, Research Assistant Professor, Physics
Ph.D., Notre Dame, 1992
Experimental particle physics

Liviu Movileanu, Professor, Physics
Ph.D., University of Bucharest, 1997
Experimental biological physics; single molecule detection

Davoud Mozhdehi, Associate Professor, Chemistry
Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 2015
Bioinspired materials, macromolecular chemistry, protein-based materials, and post-translational modifications

Micere Githae Mugo, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., University of New Brunswick (Canada), 1973
Orature, literature, creative writing, Pan-Africanist studies, education

Amy Murphy, Associate Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of Arizona, 1999

Leonard Newman, Professor, Psychology 
Ph.D., New York University, 1990
Social cognition, social stigma, attitudes, psychology of genocide

Cathryn R. Newton, Professor, Deam Emerita, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz, 1983
Paleobiology, paleoecology of mass extinctions, environmental stratigraphy

Karin Nisenbaum, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Ph.D., University of Toronto, 2014
Kant, German Idealism, and 19th & 20th Century Jewish Thought
Alexander Nitz, Associate Professor, Physics
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2015
Theoretical astrophysics, relativity, gravitational waves

Christopher Noble, Associate Professor, Philosophy
Ph.D., Princeton University, 2009
Ancient Philosophy

Brice Nordquist, Dean’s Professor of Community Engagement, Associate Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of Louisville, 2014
Composition Theory and Pedagogy, Language Diversity, Global Rhetorics, Literacy Studies, Writing Across the Curriculum

Natalie Novotna, Professor of Practice, Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute
MS Forensic Science, Syracuse University, 2022
Low quality/low quantity human and non-human DNA analysis, whole genome amplification, DNA mixture analysis

Kenji Oda, Assistant Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
University of Toronto, 2012

Jeewon Oh, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2022
Social/personality psychology
Angela M. Oliverio, Assistant Professor, Biology
Ph.D., University of Colorado, 2019
Eco-evolutionary dynamics, experimental biology, bioinformatics, soil microbiology, systems and computational biology, metagenomics, synthetic sourdough starter microbiomes

Dana M. Olwan, Associate Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies
Ph.D., Queens College, 2009
Transnational Feminism; Gender violence; Representations of Arab and Muslim women; Feminist Solidarities, and Gender Politics and the Middle East/SWANA region

Jani Onninen, Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Jyvaskyla (Finland), 2002
Nonlinear analysis and geometric function theory

Jennifer O’Reilly, Assistant Professor, African American Studies 
PhD, Liverpool John Moores, 2019
Africana religions/Ethnographies and literatures of African diasporic belief systems/African American folklore and folk cultures/Cultural histories of Black spirituality, conjure, and folk medicine/Black women’s ethnographic and fictional writing

Hille Paakkunainen, Associate Professor, Philosophy
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh 2011
Ethics, epistemology, philosophy of action

Tibor Palfai, Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Waterloo, 1969
Psychopharmacology, effects of drugs on learning and memory

Rajendra K. Panthee, Associate Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of Texas at El Paso, 2014

Cristina E. Pardo Porto, Assistant Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., CUNY The Graduate Center, 2022
Latino-Latin American Studies, Spanish Language, Literature and Culture

Aesoon Park, Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2006
Longitudinal person-environment interplay on alcohol misuse across emerging and young adulthood

Susan E. Parks, Professor, Biology
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2003
Behavioral ecology, acoustic communication, marine science, conservation biology

Alison Patteson, Assistant Professor, Physics
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2016
Biological physics; soft and living materials; cellular mechanics

Joseph Paulsen, Associate Professor, Physics
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2013
Experimental condensed matter physics, soft matter, surface-tension driven flows, memory in disordered materials, and elasticity and geometry of thin sheets

Glenn Peers, Professor, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1995
Religion, Medieval and Renaissance studies
Ivan Pechenezhskiy, Assistant Professor, Physics
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2014
Experimental condensed matter physics, quantum information science, quantum computing
Yalian Pei, Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Ph.D. University of Georgia 2023
Cognitive communication disorders

Joseph Pellegrino, Teaching Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Au.D., University of Florida, 2004
Adult audiologic assessments and hearing aids

Cary Peñate, Assistant Professor, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 2021
Film, Latin American Music

Melissa Pepling, Professor, Biology
Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1995
Mouse germ line development, oogenesis

Maria Pettolina, Professor of Practice, Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute
D.M. Colorado Technical University, 2020
M.S. Forensic Medicine, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, 2007
Practical and experimental scene research; vicarious trauma in forensic practitioners; cognitive biases in forensics

Louise Wetherbee Phelps, Professor Emeritus, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, 1980
Rhetoric & composition/writing studies, including theory, method, and disciplinary histories; writing program design and administration; and graduate curriculum and pedagogy

Ruth Phillips, Assistant Teaching Professor, Biology
Ph.D., Duke University, 2002
Broadening participation of students from historically underrepresented and underserved populations in biology and biotechnology

Scott Pitnick, Weeden Professor, Biology
Ph.D., Arizona State University, 1992
Evolutionary biology, behavioral ecology, evolutionary genetics, sexual selection, speciation, life history evolution, insect reproductive biology 

Britton Plourde, Professor, Physics
Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2000
Experimental condensed matter; quantum information science; quantum computing

Evgeny Poletsky, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Moscow (Russia), 1973
Geometric theory of functions of real and complex variables

Josh Pollitz, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Nebraska, 2019
Homological aspects of commutative algebra

Cynthia Pope, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., Texas Tech University, 2021

Gwendolyn D. Pough, Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies
Ph.D., Miami University, Ohio, 2000
African American rhetorical tradition, feminist rhetorics, popular culture, writing, rhetoric, composition, Black feminist theory, public sphere theory; popular culture

Jonathan Preston, Associate Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2008
Speech sound disorders, persistent articulation difficulties, childhood apraxia of speech

Beth Prieve, Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1989
Auditory physiology, the diagnosis of hearing loss

Declan Quinn, Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1985
Algebra, algebraic geometry, graph theory

Gary Radke, Professor Emeritus, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., New York University, 1980
Italian Medieval and Renaissance art and architecture, 15th-century Florentine sculpture
Hamidreza Rahmati, Assistant Teaching Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2009
Commutative algebra

Ramesh Raina, Professor, Biology
Ph.D., Jawarharlal Nehru University (India), 1991
Molecular signaling mechanisms between plants and their pathogens

Surabhi Raina, Associate Teaching Professor, Biology
Ph.D., Banaras Hindu University, 1992
Plant molecular genetics, biotechnology

Romita Ray, Associate Professor, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., Yale University, 1999
18th- and 20th-century European and British Empire art/architecture, Indian art and architecture

Kara Richardson, Associate Professor, Philosophy
Ph.D., University of Toronto, 2008
Classic Islamic philosophy, medieval philosophy, Descartes

Michael Rieppel, Associate Professor, Philosophy
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2013
Philosophy of language, philosophical logic, and metaphysics.

Ellyn Riley, Associate Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2011
Adult acquired neurogenic disorders, particularly aphasia, acquired alexia, and patient-related factors affecting treatment outcomes.

Robin Riley, Assistant Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2000
Popular Culture; gender, war, and militarism; transnational feminism; anti-racist thinking, action and pedagogy; feminist international relations theory

Alicia Rios, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1992
Latin American literature and culture

William Ritchie, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Linguistics, University of Michigan, 1969
Adult Second Language Acquisition

William A. Robert, Professor, Religion
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2005
Philosophy of religion, performance, literature, sexuality, mysticism

Marcia C. Robinson, Assistant Professor, Religion
Ph.D., Emory University, 2001
Christianity, African American religion and art

Carl Rosenzweig, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1972
Elementary particle theory, relativistic quantum field theory, gauge theory, cosmology

Jennifer Ross, Professor, Physics
Ph.D., University of California Santa Barbara, 2004
Experimental biological physics, soft matter physics, active matter, cytoskeleton, enzymes
Patricia Roylance, Associate Professor, English
Ph.D., Stanford University, 2005
Early American literature and culture

Matthew Rudolph, Associate Professor, Physics
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011
Experimental high energy particle physics, flavor physics, precision measurements; hardware and software development

Herbert Ruffin, Associate Professor, African American Studies
Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University, 2007
African American history, U.S. West history, urban history.

Karin Ruhlandt, Distinguished Professor, Chemistry
Dr.rer.nat., Philipps University, Marburg (Germany), 1991
Inorganic and organometallic chemistry, crystallography, synthesis and structural characterization of inorganic compounds and their application in synthetic, solid state, and polymer chemistry

Joshua B. Russell, Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., Brown University, 2021
Natalie Russo, Associate Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., McGill University, 2007
Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, and sensory processing disorders
Denis Samburskiy, Assistant Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D, SUNY Albany, 2015
Curriculum and Instruction
Scott D. Samson, Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., University of Arizona, 1990
Radiogenic isotope & geochronology
S.N. Sangmpam, Professor, African American Studies
Ph.D, University of Chicago, 1984
Cross-national Comparative Politics; International Politics/Political Economy, North-South Relations; Third World Politics; African Politics; African American Politics; Pan Africanism
Christian Santangelo, Professor, Physics
Ph.D., University of California Santa Barbara, 2004
Theoretical soft matter physics, mechanical metamaterials, thin film mechanics, geometry, topology

Peter Saulson, Martin A. Professor Emeritus 
Ph.D., Princeton University, 1981
Relativity, astrophysics experiment

George Saunders, Professor, English
M.F.A., Syracuse University, 1988
Creative writing, fiction

Will Scheibel, Associate Professor, English
Ph.D., Indiana University, 2014
Film and media studies

Jillian Scheer, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Boston University, 2018
Counseling psychology

Eileen E. Schell, Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1993
Community literacy, Environmental rhetorics and literacies, Feminist rhetorics, Food rhetorics

Eric A. Schiff, Professor Emeritus, Physics
Ph.D., Cornell University, 1979
Experimental condensed matter physics, amorphous and crystalline semiconductors

Christopher A. Scholz, Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., Duke University, 1989
Sequence stratigraphy, lacustrine and rift basin sedimentation and reflection seismology

Lael J. Schooler, Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon, 1993
Investigates simple heuristics - decision strategies that use limited information to make effective decisions in an uncertain world - with computer simulations and behavioral experiments to help explain how people make decisions and how to improve these processes

Jennifer Schwarz, Professor, Physics
Ph.D., Harvard, 2002
Condensed matter theory; percolation transitions, rigidity transitions, and shape instabilities/transitions in living and nonliving matter

Sascha Scott, Associate Professor, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D, Rutgers University, 2008
American, Native North American, and modern art 

Tony Scott, Associate Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of Louisville, 2002
Composition Theory, Political Economics of Writing, Writing Assessment, Writing Program Administration

Kari A. Segraves, Professor, Biology
Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 2003
Plant-insect interactions, mutualism, coevolution, and phylogenetics

Bradley Seymour, Associate Teaching Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Binghamton University, 2016
Cognitive psychology

Lixin Shen, Professor, Mathematics 
Ph.D., Sun Yat-Sen University, 1996
Wavelets and image processing

Stephanie Shirilan, Associate Professor, English
Ph.D., Brandeis University, 2009
Seventeenth-century literature and culture

Erica Shumener, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Ph.D., New York University, 2016
Metaphysics, philosophy of science

Donald I. Siegel, Professor Emeritus 
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1981
Regional hydrogeology, wetland hydrogeology, groundwater geochemistry

Rafael Silva Coutinho, Assistant Professor, Physics
Ph.D. University of Warwick [England], 2015
Particle physic experiment and analysis, machine learning, flavor physics

Robert B. Silver, Professor, Biology
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1977
How cells make decisions, mechanisms of parthenogenetic activation of eggs versus fertilization, secretion of neurotransmitters without fusion (porocytosis), C-WMD, energetic materials
Adam Roth Singerman, Assistant Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
PhD, University of Chicago, 2018
Morphosyntax, historical linguistics, language documentation, Native American languages

Tomasz Skwarnicki, Professor, Physics
Ph.D., Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow (Poland), 1986
Experimental high energy particle physics, flavor physics

Bruce Smith, Professor, English
M.A., Bucknell University, 1971
Creative writing, poetry

Danielle Taana Smith, Professor, African American Studies
Ph.D., University of South Carolina. 2003
Gender studies; population displacement and migration; post-conflict reconciliation and reconstruction; global health/development; Africa and its diaspora.

Julia Snyder, Assistant Teaching Professor, Science Teaching
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2012
Biology Education

David Sobel, Irwin and Marjorie Guttag Professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy, Philosophy
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1997
Ethics, political philosophy

Mitchell Soderberg, Professor, Physics
Ph.D. University of Michigan, 2006
Experimental high energy particle physics, neutrinos

Paul Souder, Professor, Physics
Ph.D., Princeton University, 1971
Experimental medium energy physics, nuclear physics

James T. Spencer, Professor, Chemistry
Ph.D., Iowa State University, 1984
Inorganic and organometallic-main group cluster complexes, forensic science, solar energy conversion chemistry, formation of solid state materials, nanostructures and nonlinear optical materials

Dana Spiotta, Professor, English
B.A., Evergreen State College, 1992
Creative writing, fiction

Michael B. Sponsler, Professor, Chemistry 
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 1987
Organic and organometallic chemistry, liquid crystalline holographic materials

W. Thomas Starmer, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., University of Arizona, 1972
Population genetics, evolutionary biology, ecological genetics

Rachel Steinhardt, Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 2015
Organic synthesis, soft materials, medicinal chemistry, chemical biology

Scott Stevens, Associate Professor, English 
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1997
Visual culture, museum studies, Native American literature

Huilin (Linda) Sun, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 2022
School psychology
Shannon Sweeney, Assistant Teaching Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2016
Clinical psychology

Lauren Surovi, Assistant Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2022
Italian Renaissance Literature and Culture, Theater and Drama Studies, Literary Studies

David Tatham, Professor Emeritus, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1970
American art of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

Harvey Teres, Professor, English
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1986
Post-1900 American literature and culture, Jewish American literature, public humanities, world literature

Jay B. Thomas, Associate Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2003
Petrology and geochemistry, experimental studies of mineral and rock formation

Laurence Thomas, Professor Emeritus 
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1976
Ethical theory, social philosophy, the Holocaust

Audrey Thompson, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., Princeton University, 2010

Stephen L. Thorley, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
MFA, Syracuse University, 2001

Maria Emma Ticio Quesada, Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 2003
Syntax, semantics, first language acquisition

John W. Tillotson, Associate Professor, Science Teaching
Ph.D. University of Iowa, 1996
Undergraduate STEM education, broadening participation in STEM, science teacher education
Antonio Tiongson, Associate Professor, English
Ph.D., University of California, 2006
American, critical ethnic, cultural, Asian American, and Filipinx American studies 

Silvio Torres-Saillant, Professor, English
Ph.D., New York University, 1991
Caribbean, United States, Latino, and comparative literature

Nancy I. Totah, Associate Professor, Chemistry
Ph.D., Yale University, 1990
New methods for organic synthesis, asymmetric synthesis of natural products

John Troutman, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D. Stanford University, 1964
Complex analysis
Darwin Han-Lin Tsen, Assistant Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 2016
Chinese Literature, film, and culture, Critical Theory, Asian American Literature

Victoria Tumanova, Associate Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Ph.D. University of Iowa, 2010
Fluency, stuttering in young children

Sevinc Türkkan, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2012
Samuel Tuttle, Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., Boston University, 2015
Hydroclimatology, land surface hydrology, remote sensing, and snow hydrology

John Ucci, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1964
Algebraic topology

Zahra Vahedi, Assistant Teaching Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Ryerson University, 2020
Social psychology
Matthieu H. van der Meer, Associate Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of Groningen, 2006
Carolingian Monastic Reforms, Late Medieval Mystical Theology

Robert Van Gulick, Professor, Philosophy
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1976
Philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology

Peter A. Vanable, Professor, Dean of the Graduate School
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1997
Health psychology, HIV/AIDS prevention, substance use disorders

Kathy R. Vander Werff, Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Ph.D., University of Iowa, 2002
Auditory evoked potentials, diagnostic audiology, and cochlear implants

Gregory Verchota, Professor, Mathematics 
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1982
Partial differential equations, analysis

Gianfranco Vidali, Professor Emeritus 
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 1982
Surface physics: adsorption/desorption phenomena, two-dimensional matter, thin-film growth; low temperature physics

Laura Vincent, Assistant Teaching Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
M.S. The College of Saint Rose, 2012
Speech-Language Pathology

Andrew Vogel, Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 1989
Partial differential equations

Ramani Voleti, Associate Teaching Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
M.S., Syracuse University, 2003
Speech-Language Pathology

Karina von Tippelskirch, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., Marburg University (Germany), 1997
German literature

Joanne Punzo Waghorne, Professor, Religion
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1976
History of religions, South Asian religion, globalization

Serena Wang, Assistant Teaching Professor, Art and Music Histories
Ph.D., The City University of New York, 2021
Music history from a global perspective

B.R. Ware, Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1972
Biophysical chemistry

Daniel Waterman, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D. University of Chicago, 1954
Fourier analysis and real analysis

Mark E. Watkins, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D., Yale University, 1964
Combinatorics, algebraic graph theory

Scott Watson, Professor, Physics
Ph.D. Brown University, 2005
Theoretical high energy particle physics; cosmology; cosmic background radiation

James W. Watts, Professor, Religion
Ph.D., Yale University, 1990
Hebrew Bible and ancient Near Eastern religious traditions

Stephan Wehrli, Associate Professor, Mathematics 
Ph.D. University of Zurich, 2007

Roy Welch, Professor, Biology
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997
Biochemistry, molecular signaling mechanisms

Tao Wen, Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2017
Hydrogeochemistry, environmental data science, and noble gas geochemistry

Michele G. Wheatly, Professor and Special Advisor to the Chancellor, Biology 
Ph.D., Birmingham University, U.K., 1980
Comparative physiology, biocomplexity

June Whitehead, Instructor Emerita, Mathematics
M.S., University of Illinois, 1947
Denver Whittington, Assistant Professor, Physics
Ph.D., Indiana University, 2012
Experimental high energy particle physics, neutrinos

Jason R. Wiles, Associate Professor, Biology
Ph.D., McGill University 2008; M.S.T ., Portland State University, 1996; M.S., Mississippi State University, 2007
Biology and science education, teaching and learning of biological evolution

Bruce H. Wilkinson, Research Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ph.D, University of Texas, 1974
Sedimentary geology

Joseph Wilson, Assistant Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., University of Washington, 2023
Transnational literacies, translingual orientations to writing studies, critical applied linguistics/TESOL, genre theory, queer rhetorics, WAC/WID, New Literacy Studies, global English

Elise Wodard, Assistant Professor, Philosophy 
Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2022
Epistemology, ethics, social & feminist philosophy

Larry L. Wolf, Professor Emeritus 
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1966
Ecology and social behavior, community and population ecology

Joshua Wood, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., Clemson University, 2018

Sarah Woolf-King, Associate Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2010
Health psychology, epidemiology, and behavioral medicine

William Wylie, Associate Professor, Mathematics 
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2006
Riemannian geometry, geometric flows, global geometric analysis.

Amy S. Wyngaard, Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1998
French Literature

Yuesheng Xu, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Ph.D., Old Dominion University, 1989
Applied mathematics

David Yaffe, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., City University of New York, 2003
Contemporary American studies, literature, music

Yuan Yuan, Associate Professor, Mathematics 
Ph.D., Rutgers University, 2010
Analytic and geometric function theory in several complex variables and complex differential geometry.

Seungmin Yun, Assistant Teaching Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Ph.D., TESL/Applied Linguistics, Oklahoma State University, 2015
Intercultural pragmatics, code-switching, and language socialization of bilingual children

Dan Zacharia, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics 
Ph.D., Brandeis University, 1981

Michelle J. Zaso, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Syracuse University 2019
Clinical Psychology

Jeffrey Zemla, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., Rice University, 2015
Cognitive psychology
Yiming Zhao, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Ph.D., New York University, 2017
Convex analysis, partial differential equations

Weiwei Zheng, Associate Professor, Chemistry 
Ph.D., Florida State University, 2011
Inorganic chemistry, materials science, nanotechnology, assembly, green energy harvesting

Akram Zouaoui, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., New Mexico State University, 2022