Chris Tuohey, Chair
318 Newhouse 3, 315-443-4118
Hubert Brown, Michael Cremedas, Frank Currier, Barbara C. Fought, Dona Hayes, Keren Henderson, Suzanne Lysak, John Nicholson, Simon Perez, Donald C. Torrance, Chris Tuohey, Randy Wenner
Students in the broadcast and digital journalism program learn writing, information gathering and reporting, formatting, editing, anchoring, and producing for both traditional and digital media platforms. Students use all the latest technologies to report and produce news content including Dejero© portable, live reporting equipment and several social media platforms. Students also study critical issues (including ethical dilemmas) faced in today’s complex communications environment. “Hands-on” experience is emphasized in the broadcast and digital journalism curriculum.
Majors are encouraged to take advantage of University-sponsored internships at broadcast stations (both local and network) across the country.
Additionally, students have the opportunity to do extracurricular work at campus radio and television stations.