2017-2018 Graduate Course Catalog 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2017-2018 Graduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Educational Leadership, EdD


Joseph Shedd, 150 Huntington Hall, 315-443-2685, jbshedd@syr.edu

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Apply  qualitative, quantitative and emerging research methods  in design and execution of resarch .

2. Critique approaches to designing and conducting scholarship in the field

3. Develop a robust understanding of scholarship relevant to the knowledge, disposition and performance standards for educational leaders of the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium

4 Develop an in depth grounding of scholarship in areas of specialization

5. Communicate orally and in writing regarding issues of education and school leadership with scholarly audiences.

6.Master the ability to communicate orally and in writing regarding issues of education and school leadership with a variety of stakeholder audiences (i.e. parents, educators, community member, school leaders, etc.)


Major Requirements

The Ed.D. program in educational leadership is designed for educators who want to engage in serious scholarship of issues of leadership and learning in pre-collegiate educational settings. The program’s emphasis on applied research makes it particularly appropriate for those who expect to continue as educators in field settings, although it is not designed exclusively for such students.