2018-2019 Graduate Course Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Engineering Management, MS

The program leading to the Master of Science degree in Engineering Management (MSEM) is interdisciplinary. It is administered by the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and the College of Engineering and Computer Science, with the cooperative support of the Martin J. Whitman School of Management.

The MSEM degree program is designed for practicing engineers and scientists who have or seek increased managerial and leadership responsibilities. The degree program provides a balanced field of knowledge in engineering management theory and practices, statistics, quality control, finance, economics, information/data management, and legal issues. With proper selection of courses, technical competence in a particular area can be strengthened as well. Course electives can be chosen to customize your program of study to meet specific career goals.

At least 18 credit-hours (6 courses) must be at 600 level or above. The program consists of a set of 5 required core courses (15 credits), a set of 4 courses (12 credits) in engineering management specialization (three of the four courses must be from the same track), and 2 elective courses (6 credits) in engineering and computer science.

Completion of the program with less than 24 semester credits in engineering does not lead to credit towards licensure.

For more information, contact Frederick Carranti, Engineering Management Program, 263 Link Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY 13244-1240; 315-443-4346 or 315-443-4367, carranti@syr.edu.

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Use the principles of advanced mathematics to identify, analyze and solve engineering management problems

2. Apply appropriate economics and project management techniques to support more informed decisions

3. Apply knowledge and skills in the management of technology

4. Communicate advanced technical and managerial concepts effectively

5. Advance existing technical or scientific skills

Management Specialization Tracks

Student has to select 3 courses (9 credits) from one of the following 4 tracks, plus 1 course (3 credits) from any of the 4 tracks. (These tracks are regularly reviewed and may be revised by the program committee).