2014-2015 Graduate Course Catalog 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2014-2015 Graduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Women’s Studies, CAS

Department of Women’s and Gender Studies
208 Bowne Hall

Administrative Specialist

Susann DeMocker-Shedd, 208 Bowne Hall, 315-443-3560, Fax 315-443-9221


Kal Alston, Himika Bhattacharya, Vivian M. May, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Gwendolyn D. Pough, Minnie Bruce Pratt, Robin Riley

Women’s and Gender Studies integrates theory and practice with the aim of transforming social relations, representations, knowledges, institutions, and policies. Through interdisciplinary and comparative approaches, students engage in the study of gender intersectionally and transnationally as a means of understanding the complex ways that ideas and practices about gender, past and present, shape the world around us. Issues of justice, social and economic transformation, and women’s agency are central and at each level of study the curriculum emphasizes race, ethnicity, nationality, class, age, sexuality, and different abilities as categories of analysis.

Certificate Requirements

Students must take a minimum of 12 credits of graduate coursework cross-listed as WGS courses or approved by the Chair of the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies. At least one course (3 credits) must be an approved Theory course and at least one course (3 credits) of the CAS coursework must be a Core Graduate WGS course. A single course may not be used to fulfill both the Theory and Core course requirements.

Additional Information

With departmental approval, various sections of Special Topics courses can satisfy the WGS Theory requirement as well.

Additional Information

With departmental approval, various sections of Special Topics courses can satisfy the Core WGS requirement as well.


Students must apply for certification at least one semester before receiving their degree. The chair of the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies will confer with each student and approve each student’s program. A list of appropriate courses is available in the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies office, 208 Bowne Hall, 315-443-3707.

Graduate Award

Awarding of the Certificate of Advanced Studies will be in the spring semester of each year.

Certificate of Recognition

Certificates of Recognition are awarded to doctoral students who have produced dissertations in Women’s/Feminist Studies. To receive certification, the candidate must submit a petition listing the title and abstract of the dissertation, the defense date, and the dissertation advisor. Awards will be made at the end of the spring semester of each year.


Each spring there is an essay contest for the Toni Taverone Graduate Paper Prize that carries an award. The Joan Lukas Rothenberg Graduate Student Service Award is also awarded annually.