2014-2015 Graduate Course Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2014-2015 Graduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Computer Engineering, MS


Amit Agrawal, Howard A. Blair, Tomislav Bujanovic, Stephen J. Chapin, Biao Chen, C.Y. Roger Chen, Shiu-Kai Chin, Wenliang (Kevin) Du, Ehat Ercanli, Makan Fardad, James W. Fawcett, Prasanta Ghosh, Albert Goldfain, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy, Carlos R.P. Hartmann, Robert Irwin, Can Isik, Philipp Kornreich, Andrew Chung-Yeung Lee, Jay Kyoon Lee, Yingbin Liang, Duane L. Marcy, Kishan G. Mehrotra, Chilukuri K. Mohan, Jae C. Oh, Susan Older, Qinru Qiu, Laleh Rabieirad, James S. Royer, Tapan K. Sarkar, Fred Schlereth, Q. Wang Song, Jian Tang, William C. Tetley, Pramod K. Varshney, Senem Velipasalar, Hong Wang, Heng Yin, Edmund Yu

Master of Science Programs

The requirements for the M.S. emphasize mastery of a field of knowledge and some familiarity with allied areas. Programs are tailored to meet the needs of the individual with certain general restrictions set by the department. All degree candidates are required to take work of a basic nature in several fields to provide the necessary breadth of knowledge.

The M.S. programs consist of at least 30 credits beyond the B.S. degree. A thesis is optional. Students who do not have B.S. degrees in electrical engineering or computer engineering are required to take specified additional courses at the undergraduate or graduate level to make up for deficiencies in their preparation.

In addition to the requirements outlined in the “Requirements for Graduate Degrees” section of this catalog, several departmental requirements apply to the M.S. in both electrical engineering and computer engineering. Not more than 6 credits of 500-level courses may be included in an M.S. program. A maximum of 9 credits of transfer credit may be included in M.S. programs. For further information, students may obtain a copy of the Transfer Credit Policy from the department. Early in the student’s final semester, an official Program of Study form must be submitted to the department. A diploma request card must also be included.

Admission Requirements

Each of these master’s programs has its own admission committee that evaluates the overall academic record of an applicant. Each of these committees uses the following guidelines during the evaluation process:

  • GRE Verbal score of 150 or better (using New GRE Score System);
  • GRE Quantitative score of 155 or better (using New GRE Score System);
  • GRE Analytical (multiple choice) score of 650 or better, or a score of 3.5 or better in the new Analytical Writing;
  • for international students: TOEFL computer-based score of 223 (Internet-based score 85; paper-based score 563) or better;
  • grade point average (GPA) of 3.0/4.0 or better.

Program Director

Qinru Qiu, 4-133 Center for Science and Technology, 315-443- 1836, Fax 315-443-2583; qiqiu@syr.edu.


Amit Agrawal, Howard A. Blair, Tomislav Bujanovic, Stephen J. Chapin, Biao Chen, C.Y. Roger Chen, Shiu-Kai Chin, Wenliang (Kevin) Du, Ehat Ercanli, Makan Fardad, James W. Fawcett, Prasanta Ghosh, Albert Goldfain, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy, Carlos R.P. Hartmann, Robert Irwin, Can Isik, Philipp Kornreich, Andrew Chung-Yeung Lee, Jay Kyoon Lee, Yingbin Liang, Duane L. Marcy, Kishan G. Mehrotra, Chilukuri K. Mohan, Jae C. Oh, Susan Older, Qinru Qiu, Laleh Rabieirad, James S. Royer, Tapan K. Sarkar, Fred Schlereth, Q. Wang Song, Jian Tang, William C. Tetley, Pramod K. Varshney, Senem Velipasalar, Hong Wang, Heng Yin, Edmund Yu

Course Requirements

1. Graduate Work Beyond the B.S. Degree

A minimum of 30 credits of graduate work beyond the B.S. degree is required.

2. Cumulative Total GPA

The student must maintain a cumulative total GPA of at least a 3.0 in those courses to be credited towards the M.S. degree, and a minimum cumulative total GPA of 2.8 in all graduate courses taken at Syracuse University.

3. A Maximum of 9 Credits of Transfer Credit of Graduate Coursework

A maximum of 9 credits of transfer credit of graduate coursework taken at another university with a grade of B or better may be included in an M.S. program.

4. A maximum of 12 Credits Taken at Syracuse University

A maximum of 12 credits taken at Syracuse University before the semester of admission may be included in an M.S. program provided they are relevant to a program in computer engineering and have a grade of B or better.

5. Preliminary Program of Study

Late in the first semester, the student fills out a preliminary program of study. Early in a student’s final semester, a Program of Study must be submitted on forms available from the department. A Diploma Request Card must also be submitted at that time.

6. To Maintain Full-time Status in the EECS Department

To maintain full-time status in the EECS Department, students must register for at least 9 credits per semester. During the last semester of course work, student can take less than 9 credits be considered as full-time student. Part-time students must complete at least 6 credits per academic year.

7. Each student must select one of the three following tracks for the degree:

(1) Hardware Systems Track, (2) Software Systems Track, and (3) Security and Assurance Systems Track. Each student’s program must include CSE 674 * and CSE 661 . Moreover, each student in the Hardware Systems Track must include CSE 664  and CSE 687  in their program, each student in the Software Systems Track must include CSE 681  and CSE 687  in their program, and each student in the Security and Assurance Systems Track must include CSE 643  and CSE 644  in their program. These courses represent the student’s core program and are to be taken as early as possible in the program. In addition, each student’s program must include at least two more elective track-specific courses in the selected track as specified by the Computer Engineering Program Committee. The followings are some examples of the track related electives.

8. Programs must include a minimum of 18 credits of CSE courses

9. Final Examinations

Candidates are required to complete the final examinations in all core courses with an average grade of B- or better.

10. No more than 6 credits of 500-level courses may be included in an M.S. program

11. Taking Courses Offered by Other Department

Taking courses offered by other department or courses not directly relevant to computer engineering will require prior approval by the CE program committee.

12. Students may select a thesis option up to 6 credits

The Master’s Thesis must be prepared in accordance with the Graduate School’s instructions for the Preparation of Theses and Dissertations and must receive prior approval from the thesis advisor. Theses must be presented orally and defended before a faculty panel. Students electing the thesis option must include CSE 997 - Masters Thesis  (normally 6 credits) in their programs of study.

13. Student may take up to 3 independent study credits

Anything above that will require prior approval from faculty advisor.


*CSE 674  was formerly CSE 691 (Special Topics in Advanced Data Structure).

Electrical Engineer Degree

The degree of electrical engineer allows qualified students to pursue their graduate education beyond the M.S. The program is designed to provide mastery of a field of knowledge and familiarity with related fields, as well as to develop a capacity for independent study.

Admission Requirements

  1. B.S. in electrical or computer engineering or a related field with an average of 3.0 or better on a scale of 4.0 from an accredited institution, or
  2. M.S. in electrical or computer engineering or a related field.

Applicants are informed of any additional requirements when their applications are processed.


Each student is assigned a guidance committee to help plan the program of study.

Program Summary

The program consists of coursework, qualifying examinations, and a project. The minimum program consists of 60 credits beyond the B.S. including 6 credits for the Engineer Degree Project (ELE 995 ). The student must maintain at least a 3.0 average.

Required Courses

A student’s program must include the coursework required for the M.S. degree in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or an acceptable related area completed either at Syracuse University or elsewhere. In addition, the student must take at least 4 ELE/CSE courses at or above the 700 level beyond M.S. degree; Independent study courses may not be used to satisfy this requirement.

Qualifying Examinations

Students working toward an electrical engineer degree must pass the written qualifying examinations required for the Ph.D. Students are examined on basic undergraduate and graduate material in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and applied mathematics. The current list of areas and descriptions of the nature and scope of these examinations can be obtained from the department office. The examinations may not be taken more than twice. Credit granted for work at other approved institutions does not exempt a student from the qualifying examinations.

The Electrical Engineer Degree Project

ELE 995 - Engineer Degree Project  ELE 995  carries 6 credits. The student undertakes an investigation which may be original research, an application of the state-of-the-art, a solution of a set of related problems, or a critical survey of a special topic. The student is assigned a project advisor who must approve the topic and agree to direct the work. Students with engineering employment may make arrangements to carry out the project work at the employer’s premises or laboratory, provided the advisor has unrestricted access to the work. A formal project report and a final oral examination on the project are required after completion of all graduate work.

Computer Engineer Degree

Admission Requirements

An M.S. in computer engineering, electrical engineering, or a related field from an accredited institution is required, with an average of 3.3 or better on a scale of 4.0. Applicants are informed of any additional requirements when their applications are processed.


Each student is assigned a guidance committee to help plan a program of study.

Program Summary

The program consists of coursework, qualifying examinations, and a project. The minimum program consists of 60 credits beyond the B.S. degree, at least 4 ELE/CSE courses exclusive of independent study must be at or above the 700 level beyond M.S. degree. The student must maintain an average of 3.0 or better on a scale of 4.0.

Qualifying Examination

Written qualifying examinations are administered at the end of the student’s formal coursework. Each student is examined in specific topic areas.

The current list of topics and descriptions of the nature and scope of these examinations may be obtained from the department office. All examination topics must have the approval of the student’s guidance committee and one topic must be in the student’s major field.

Examination periods are scheduled twice a year. The student must take all examinations during the same examination period. Credit granted at other approved institutions does not exempt a student from any part of the qualifying examination.

The Computer Engineer Degree Project

CSE 995  This project allows the student to undertake an investigation which may be original research, an application of the state-of-the-art, a solution of a set of related minor problems, or a critical survey of a special topic. The topic may be suggested by a faculty member or, preferably, by the student. The student is assigned a project advisor, who must approve the topic and agree to direct the work. Students with engineering employment may make arrangements to carry out the project work on the employer’s premises or laboratory, provided the advisor has unrestricted access to the work. A formal project report and a final examination on this report are required after the completion of all graduate work.

Time Limit

Degree requirements must be completed within a period of three years after the student passes the qualifying examinations.