Liberal Arts Course requirements
The requirements of this program include several undergraduate science and liberal arts distribution courses. It is not unusual that an applicant will have one or more of these courses left to take. These do not need to be completed before applying and may be taken at an institution other than Syracuse University. However, some of the courses need to be done before starting the graduate program, and all must be finished before a degree can be granted. We help prospective students identify appropriate courses.
Interested students should contact the Science Teaching Department as early as possible (including before applying) to have unofficial transcripts reviewed against the liberal arts requirements. This allows more time to enroll in needed courses.
Science Content
This program requires: A major in biology or chemistry or earth sciences or physics; OR by the end of the MS program, a minimum of 30 semester hour credits in the science area in which certification is sought, with at least 18 credits beyond the introductory level, including at least two laboratory courses, with one laboratory beyond the introductory level. Courses from departments other than these science areas (e.g., engineering science) will be evaluated on an individual basis for appropriate science content to be used toward the 30 credits. A sufficient amount of science must be completed before beginning the program. Appropriate science content courses taken during the program may count toward the minimum requirement. Specific courses that must be included for those without a science major are the following:
Students without a biology major seeking biology certification must have completed coursework with some attention to three areas: organismic biology, genetics/molecular/cell biology; population biology/ecology.
Students without a chemistry major seeking chemistry certification must have completed courses with some attention to inorganic, organic, analytical, and physical chemistry - including engineering.
Students without a geology or earth sciences major seeking earth science certification must have completed courses with some attention to earth history, paleontology, mineralogy, structural geology, hydrology, and glacial geology. Earth science courses may include courses in geology, meteorology, and astronomy including applied courses in subjects such as soils or limnology.
Students without a physics major seeking physics certification must have completed courses with some attention to mechanics, electricity, thermodynamics, and modern physics such as relativity, kinetic theory, quantum theory, etc. Other courses might include such topics as optics, circuits, or particle physics.