Errol Willet, Department of Art
ComArt Building, 315-443-3700,
Peter Beasecker, Margie Hughto, Errol Willett
Graduate study in ceramics may be directed toward pottery, sculpture, tile mosaics, or other areas of ceramics. Students work in new and traditional techniques in clay and glaze technology and expand their knowledge of the use of clay, glaze, and slips in the building and decorating of pottery, ceramic sculpture, and tile mosaics. Use of gas and electric kilns, other equipment, and the actual running of a ceramic studio are included in this M.F.A. program.
Students work in individual studios within the ceramics facility and maintain active relationships with faculty members, staff members, and other students.
Career possibilities include being a working artist and commercial applications as well. Graduates combine ceramics with work in a gallery or with work on historical restoration projects, in teaching, museum work, or with design consultants.