2022-2023 Undergraduate Course Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Other Programs

English Language Institute

David Lind, Director
700 University Avenue, Suite 207

English Language Institute (ELI) courses are designed for international students and professionals who are interested in short-term or long-term study to improve their English skills. This full-time intensive program is offered through University College. Five levels of Academic English courses are offered. Many of the students have been conditionally admitted to Syracuse University and need to increase their English proficiency before enrolling in a degree program. Completion of the level 4 (high intermediate) course will waive the university’s TOEFL requirement for most undergraduate and some graduate programs.

Courses of varying length can be designed for individuals or groups with specific needs and disciplines (e.g., architecture, business, engineering, etc.). The English fir Lawyers program offered every summer is an example of this type of specialization where students can prepare before starting in an LL.M. (Master of Laws) program at a U.S. university.

Highly qualified instructors, a great deal of personal attention, and intensive exposure to English language instruction enable students to make the necessary progress. Enrollment is limited and admission is by application only. For more information about the ELI, call 315-443-8571, email elimail@syr.edu, or visit the website at eli.syr.edu.


Lois P. Agnew, Associate Dean
210 Tolley, 315-443-3949

The Center for Innovative Learning (iLEARN) of the College of Arts and Sciences supports a variety of innovative educational and experimental programs in departments and programs across the College. The Center helps students complement traditional classroom and laboratory work with enhanced out‐of‐classroom learning experiences. These experiences represent active learning at its best, tapping students’ creativity, curiosity, and drive. These kinds of opportunities also enable students to apply their knowledge to projects and experiences that engage with current issues and develop skills helpful in making career choices. Students may choose to earn academic or experience credit.

Funding opportunities:

iLEARN has funds available for use by arts and sciences undergraduate students, faculty, and departments/programs for eligible projects. Eligibility is dependent on a project’s relevance to the types of educational activities listed in the mission statement. Inquiries should be made to the director of iLEARN.

Mary Ann Shaw Center for Public & Community Service (Shaw Center)

Pamela Kirwin Heintz, Associate Vice President & Director
111 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13244, 315-443-3051

The Mary Ann Shaw Center for Public and Community Service (SHAW CENTER) enhances student learning and success by supporting the high impact practice of academic engagement in which students apply knowledge, skills and values in diverse community settings that address global issues and complex social problems. 

Since opening in 1994, the SHAW CENTER has consulted with faculty, provided orientations, identified and mitigated risk/liability issues, and supported monitoring and evaluation. The center provides organizational information about placements in nonpprofit and/or public organizations for those seeking community based service learning/research opportunities; helps create and facilitate campus-community partnerships; and supports ongoing academic programs, projects, and courses that foster community based service learning/research on the local, national and global levels.

Additionally, the SHAW CENTER offers a variety of curricular and co-curricular service opportunities at nonprofit and/or public organizations. Every college within the University offers community based service learning/research opportunities for students.

The Program

Students participate in the community based service components of their courses by completing a predetermined number of service hours at a community site, engaging in semester-long projects or community based research. Under the direction of the course professor, teaching assistants, academic managers, and SHAW CENTER professional staff, students can keep journals, write papers, do action based research, and present projects and reports to reflect on and process their community service experiences. The course professor assumes grading responsibility. Academic credit for the community based learning experience is awarded by the professor through credit for the course.


Students are invited to visit the SHAW CENTER office or web site at http://shawcenter.syr.edu/ to learn more about experiential learning in the community academic options. Students are encouraged to discuss course options that interest them with the appropriate faculty advisor before registering. Students can, with the approval of the professor, request individual placements within courses to enhance assignments or course goals. The SHAW CENTER will work to help the student and professor develop and implement an appropriate placement, as well as assist with the reflection and processing of the experience, when appropriate.

Office of Pre-College Programs

Christopher Cofer, Executive Director
700 University Avenue

High school students can explore college majors and potential careers in college-level courses at Syracuse University. In the Accelerated Semester Online program, high school students can take 3-credit 8-week online courses during the academic year. In the Summer College program, high school students are immersed in the full college experience and can choose from 70+ credit and noncredit courses in ten of Syracuse University’s schools and colleges. For more information, contact the Office of Pre-College Programs at 315-443-5000 or precollege@syr.edu, and visit https://precollege.syr.edu/.

Renée Crown University Honors Program

Professor Danielle Taana Smith, Director
306 Bowne Hall, 315-443-2759

The Renée Crown University Honors Program is a selective, demanding, and rewarding program for outstanding students who seek intense intellectual challenge and are prepared to invest the extra effort needed to meet that challenge. It is marked by four distinguishing characteristics:

  • heightened expectations;
  • participation in a vibrant and active community of learners;
  • intensity of intellectual experience; and
  • unique intellectual opportunities and responsibilities.

The program is open to qualified students from all undergraduate majors at Syracuse University. Program requirements stipulate that they demonstrate the attributes of depth, breadth, command of language, global awareness, civic engagement, and collaborative capacity by successfully completing the following:


  1. An Honors thesis project
  2. Interdisciplinary and rigorous coursework


1. An Honors orientation experience.

  1. Twelve credits of Honors-specific coursework from at least two of the following divisions: humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences/mathematics. At least six credits must carry the HNR prefix. The remaining six credits may have the HNR prefix, or be Honors sections of regular, departmental courses.

2.  Interdisciplinary work

  1. An approved three-credit HNR or other course with substantive interdisciplinary content
  2. In unique cases, a clearly interdisciplinary thesis project, with prior approval from the Honors Program and from the student’s major department.


  1. The thesis project
  2. An executive summary within the thesis project
  3. One course or experience with a substantial public presentation requirement


  1. One global course and one global experience, one of which must have a non- Eurocentric Focus. A Globacl course can be completed through an Honors or non-Honor course.
    1. A global experience can be completed through:
      1. Ability in a foreign language at a level of 201 or higher;
      2. An internship or other work with a documented global perspective for at least 50 hours;
      3. A semester or summer abroad in a University-approved foreign study program;
      4. An Honors-approved, short-term program that includes a foreign study component; 
      5. At least one semester of residence in a Learning Community with an international focus;
      6. Participation in the University’s Maxwell in Washington Undergraduate Semester residency program (IR/DC);
      7. An approved, sustained, reciprocal mentoring partnership with international students for one semester under the aegis of the Center for International Services.

If the requirements of a student’s major pose a significant impediment to completing this requirement, the student may, with prior approval from the program director, satisfy the requirement by completing two global courses, at least one of which must be non-Eurocentric.

Civic Engagement

Complete a minimum of 50 hours of volunteer service to campus organizations, the local Syracuse community or at home, or through non-paid internships with non-profit organizations. Total hours must span three independent terms (summer, fall, spring) to demonstrate a continuity of sustained service.

Collaborative Capacity

Demonstrate the ability to work in effective and productive collaboration with peers. 

  1. An approved Honors or non-Honors course that requires completing a substantive collaborative project with a minimum of three team members; or
  2. An off-campus project (which may be completed through an internship, field experience, or other activity), resulting in a deliverable artifact, such as a report, presentation or performance that is reviewed and approved by a Honors.


All courses taken to fulfill the above requirements must be completed with a grade of B or higher. Honors students must complete the program with a grade point average at least at the cum laude level in their home schools or colleges (for School of Architecture students, 3.2; for all other schools and colleges, 3.4).

Upon completion of these requirements, “Renée Crown University Honors” is awarded on the diploma and listed under “Awards and Honors” on the transcript.


For a listing of current and past Honors courses offered each semester, visit: https://honors.syr.edu/my-honors/courses-seminars/

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)

The Reserve Officer Training Corps program is offered by the Department of Air Force through the Department of Aerospace Studies, and by the Army through the Department of Military Science. Both ROTC programs include introduction to military courses taken during the freshmen and sophomore years, and advanced courses taken during the junior and senior years. Each program offers commissions into their respective service for men and women who complete the course requirements and meet all other mandatory prerequisites.

Students may enroll in the USAF program within the first three semesters of college. Students may be enrolled in the USAF program freshman and sophomore years without incurring a military service obligation. Students may enroll in the Army program at any time in the first two years of the program and complete basic camp without incurring any military-service obligation.

Uniforms and ROTC textbooks are furnished at no cost. Three and four-year scholarship recipients receive full tuition benefits, a full room and board grant, a $1,200 per year textbook allowance, and lab fees. Three and four-year AFROTC scholarship cadets, and cadets who progress into the final two years of the AFROTC program are given a monthly stipend beginning at $350 and ending at $500 a month each academic year. Enrollment in the AFROTC program is available to select graduate students who will have six to eight more semesters remaining at the time of the next fall registration.

Students accepted to the second two years of the Army programs are given a subsistence allowance of $420 a month during each academic year. Two-, three-, and four-year Army scholarship recipients receive full tuition benefit, full room, and board grant, a $1,200 a year book allowance, lab fees, and a stipend ranging from $4200 per year for the duration of their scholarship.

Sophomores in the Army program may receive credit for the basic course by attending a special, expenses-paid, four-week camp during the summer before the junior year.

Enrollment in the Army ROTC program is also available to seniors who expect to go directly into graduate school in a program that requires at least two academic years to complete, as well as to graduate students who will have four or more semesters remaining at the time of the next fall registration.

Academic credit awarded toward graduation requirements for Military Science and Aerospace Studies courses is determined by the individual schools and colleges.

Interested students should inquire at either ROTC office of their choice either well in advance of the start of the academic year or semester. Students aer encouraged to visit the ROTC offices in Suites 210 (Army) & 214 (Air Force) of the NVRC at 101 Waverly Ave. For more information on the individual program descriptions, refer to the course catalog or call the Recuriting Officer, Army ROTC, 315-436-3759 or 315-443-2462; or Air Force ROTC, 315-443-2461, email -afdet535@syr.edu

Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
Professor of Aerospace Studies
101 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244

The goal of the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps is to commission second lieutenants into the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force. Students completing the Air Force ROTC training program will serve as commissioned officers on active duty for a minimum of four years after graduation. Students will have learned to lead, critically and creatively think, and effectively communicate. All cadets are required to complete the AFROTC courses in sequence. AFROTC academic courses are cross listed with other University departments and colleges, allowing academic credit toward degree requirements.

Students in the Air Force ROTC program enroll in an aerospace studies (ASC) course each semester. ASC 205 /PST 275  and ASC 206 /PST 276  are taken during the first year and ASC 295 /HST 295  and ASC 296 /HST 296  are taken during the sophomore year. These courses comprise the General Military Course and meet for 55 minutes once per week.

During the junior year, students enroll in ASC 305 /O&M 405  and ASC 306 /O&M 406 . During the senior year, they enroll in ASC 405 /PST 475  and ASC 406 /PST 476 . These courses comprise the professional officer course and meet two times per week for total of three hours a week

All academic courses are taught by Air Force officers. These officers are on the University faculty and hold the academic title of Professor or Assistant Professor for the duration of their assignment.

Besides attending academic classes, cadets attend a leadership laboratory each week. Leadership Laboratory provides instruction in Air Force customs and courtesies, drill and ceremonies, expeditionary skills, and group leadership problems. Instruction is conducted by the cadet corps with a progression of experiences designed to develop leadership potential.

During the summer between the sophomore and junior years, selected cadets attend Field Training at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. The training is fourteen days long and required to progress in the AFROTC program. Field Training provides each cadet with leadership training, familiarity with group dynamics, physical fitness training, and a chance to experience life in an active Air Force environment.

Juniors in AFROTC are eligible to apply for positions as Cadet Training Assistants or to participate in Professional Development Training programs around the country. Cadet Training Assistants attend Field Training and train and evaluate cadet trainees while executing field training activities.

Army Reserve Officer Training Corps
LTC Jennifer Gotie
Professor of Military Science
Suite 205 NVRC 101 Waverly Ave, 315-443-2462; https://veterans.syr.edu/army-rotc

Students in the Army ROTC program receive instruction for Military Science & Leadership in preparation for commissions as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. Officer education emphasizes such areas as the duties and responsibilities of junior officers; the understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of military art and science; the development of leadership and management potential; decision making and problem solving; a strong sense of personal integrity, honor, and individual responsibility; and an appreciation of the requirements for national security.

In addition to a weekly class, all students participate in a two hour leadership laboratory each week. This period of instruction is largely student-planned and directed and provides opportunities for realistic leadership experience. It emphasizes leadership, basic military skills, and professional knowledge subjects.

In the junior year cadets prepare for Cadet Summer Training, which takes place at Fort Knox, KY typically during the summer between the junior and senior year.

Students study military leadership and management, map reading, advanced physical conditioning, military ethics, professionalism, and law. These courses, if cross-listed with other academic courses, may be taken for academic credit.

Field training exercises are held once each semester at a variety of field sites in Central New York. They introduce a wide range of military skills and stress practical application of classroom instruction.

Aerospace Studies Courses

General Military

ASC 101 ,ASC 102 /ASC 201 ,ASC 202 
ASC 205 /PST 275 
ASC 206 /PST 276 
ASC 295 /HST 295 
ASC 296 /HST 296  

Professional Officer

ASC 301 ,ASC 302 /ASC 401 ,ASC 402 
ASC 305 /O&M 405 
ASC 306 /O&M 406 
ASC 405 /PST 475 
ASC 406 /PST 476  

Military Science Courses

MSL 101 ,MSL 102 /MSL 201 ,MSL 202  
MSL 301 /MSL 302 //MSL 401 ,MSL 402 
PED 200  

Student Success Initiative (SSUI)

Kal Srinivas, Director for Student Retention and Success
Student Outreach and Retention (SOaR)
Student Experience
Alison Fredericks, Program Manager
Student Outreach and Retention (SOaR)
111 Waverly Avenue, Suite 211B 

Supporting undergraduate student success and degree completion, Student Success Initiative (SSUI) partners with Syracuse University’s schools and colleges, to provide the opportunity to get back on track academically. Highlights include strategies for academic success, earning 6-9 credits toward graduation and building campus connections.

The Student Success Initiative (SSUI) program is committed to the retention of students. To qualify for the SSUI program, students must meet one or more of the outlined eligibility criteria. For more information about SSUI, call 315-443-1031, email ssui@syr.edu or visit the web site at ssui.syr.edu.  


Kal Srinivas, Director for Student Retention and Success
Student Outreach and Retention (SOaR)
Student Experience
Alison Fredericks, Program Manager
Student Outreach and Retention (SOaR)
111 Waverly Avenue, Suite 211B

Syracuse University SummerStart is a six-week residential, credit-bearing program that coincides with the six weeks second session. This program is designed to help first-year students make a successful transition to campus life, get ahead for the fall semester and set a strong foundation for their success here on campus and beyond. Students participate in a wide range of academic and social activities. Students become familiar with the faculty and staff and learn about all the campus resources available to them. 

Summer Programs

Summer Sessions

  • MAYmester - an intensive, two-week session
  • Six Week First - six weeks (mid-May to late June)
  • Six Week Second - six weeks (early July to mid-August)
  • Eight Week First - eight weeks (early May to early July)
  • Eight Week Second- eight weeks (early July to Mid-August)
  • Combined Session - 12-week session (mid-May to mid-August)

Flex Format Session

  • Courses that do not coincide with the designated terms associated with the University’s published official terms.

Attending summer sessions enables students to take courses they could not enroll in during other semesters. Additionally, students visiting from other colleges can, with permission from their home school, take courses at Syracuse University during the summer and transfer their credits to their own university.

The Summer Course Schedule is available at the beginning of March. Students may also search for classes in MySlice

Syracuse Abroad

Syracuse Abroad
106 Walnut Place
Erika Wilkens Assistant Provost & Executive Director for Syracuse Abroad
1-800-235-3472, http://suabroad.syr.edu

Did you know that about half of all Syracuse University students study abroad? Consistently ranked as one of the nation’s highest quality programs, Syracuse Abroad offers a variety of options and signature features:

  • Year-long, semester, summer, and short-term programs;
  • Language at any level (beginner to advanced);
  • Immersive homestay experiences;
  • Assured guidance from staff and faculty abroad;
  • Once-in-a-lifetime internships, field experiences, and credit-bearing Signature Seminars;
  • Courses award Syracuse University credit; and
  • Financial aid travels with you.  Study Abroad grants & other scholarships are available.

Syracuse Abroad maintains centers in Santiago, Chile; London, United Kingdom; Strasbourg, France, Florence, Italy; Madrid, Spain; and a special fall semester program in Central Europe.

Our World Partners programs provide opportunities in many additional locations, including Australia, Brazil, China, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Morocco, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden and more. Our Summer and short-term programs allow students to study abroad during academic breaks and pick from over 35 different programs around the world.