2024-2025 Graduate Course Catalog 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Course Catalog

School of Education

Kelly Chandler-Olcott
230 Huntington Hall

About the School

Welcome to the School of Education, a community of educators committed to inclusive, equitable, and antiracist research and practice.

As Dean, I have a front-row seat on our stakeholders’ myriad impactful contributions to learning-focused contexts that range from schools and universities to community organizations and workplaces.
Driven by our Academic Strategic Plan, School of Education faculty and staff are working collaboratively to extend and amplify our expertise in three distinct but often overlapping signature areas: 1) inclusive and antiracist pedagogy and practice; 2) digital pedagogy and practice; and 3) experiential pedagogy and practice.

Together, we are committed to integrating the School’s historical strengths with the new knowledge, skills, and habits of mind we need to remain at the forefront of fields such as counseling and human services; cultural foundations of education; higher education; instructional design, development, and evaluation; language and literacy; and teaching and leadership preparation.

Dean Kelly Chandler-Olcott


Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation

Professional accreditation is the bedrock upon which all professions build their reputations, assuring that those entering the respective field have been suitably prepared to practice through acquisition of an approved body of knowledge and pre-service practice in the profession.

Accreditation of schools of education indicates that the school underwent rigorous external review by professionals, that performance of a teacher candidate in the program has been thoroughly assessed before they are recommended for licensure, and that programs meet standards set by the teaching profession at large.

Syracuse University is a member in good standing of the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP). School of Education undergraduate and graduate academic programs have been awarded full accreditation by AAQEP through Dec. 31, 2027. 

Full accreditation acknowledges that a program prepares effective educators who continue to grow as professionals and has demonstrated the commitment and capacity to maintain quality. Teacher preparation and other professional school personnel programs offered by Syracuse University are recognized by the New York State Education Department as fully accredited.

Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs

The School of Education’s Counseling and Human Services graduate programs are fully accredited by the highest accrediting bodies in the counseling profession, including the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). 

The CACREP accreditation process involves identification of appropriate preparation curricula by the profession, followed by extensive self-study and evaluation by the aspiring counselor education program. Only then does a visiting team of experts come to the university to verify that the program meets national standards. Finally, the visiting team’s report is given to the accrediting board for review and action. Programs may be accredited for eight years, at which time the institution must submit for re-accreditation, following the same process described above.

The Board of Directors of CACREP have granted the School of Education re-accreditation through October 2025. The board based its decisions on an extensive review of the self-study documents, the visiting team’s report, and the institution’s response to the visiting team’s report. 

Educational Mission

The Syracuse University School of Education advances the future of teaching and learning by leveraging its historic legacy as a global leader in inclusive and equitable education.

Led by internationally recognized faculty who are dedicated to student-centered instruction and cutting-edge research, the School advances knowledge and expertise to promote dynamic, effective, and engaging learning experiences for all.

The School of Education aspires to be the pre-eminent institution for scholarship and instruction across its three signatures: inclusive and antiracist pedagogy and practice, digital learning technologies, and experiential learning that harnesses relationships across campus, community, and beyond.

By supporting a welcoming learning community that fosters collaboration and promotes human thriving, the School mentors and nurtures the next generation of educators, scholars, and leaders who will have meaningful and sustained impact in their communities.

The impact of this work will enhance the School’s global reputation for producing impactful research and for attracting and preparing equity-minded and transformative teachers, counselors, and other professionals who support student success across diverse learning contexts.

Graduate Education

The Office of Academic and Student Services

The Office of Academic and Student Services provides a thorough and effective support system for all School of Education Students from the admissions process through graduation and beyond. 

From academic support to career advice to information about opportunities to study abroad, the professionals in Academic and Student Services have the experience and knowledge to answer questions, provide advisement, and make referrals as necessary.   

For more information about the office and services shared below, please visit: https://soe.syr.edu/students/academic-services/.  

Degree Requirements

Each graduate degree or certificate offered by the school represents a different level of achievement.

The Master of Science (M.S.), or Master of Music (M.Mus.) is the first degree beyond the bachelor’s degree. Each master’s program is designed to develop in-depth knowledge of a particular field of professional education.

The Certificate of Advanced Study (C.A.S.) offers greater scope, depth, and thoroughness of preparation beyond the master’s degree, or an opportunity for specialized study that is less than a master’s degree.

A doctoral degree is considered the highest level of academic achievement. The Ph.D. is an academic degree. The Ed.D. is a professional degree. Students with an interest in research or in university teaching usually pursue the Ph.D. Their programs emphasize intensive study in a major area of specialization and often a minor area as well, leading to the development or extension of theory and research in the major field. Many Ed.D. candidates seek positions as administrators, supervisors, consultants, college professors, and as non-teaching education specialists.

General information about degree requirements is listed below. Information on specific requirements is available from the office of the program director of each program of study.

Master’s Degree

The School of Education offers the M.S. in more than 15 areas and, an M.Mus. option in music education. Selected areas of study lead to public school teacher certification; others prepare students for roles in various educational and non-educational settings. Many master’s degree programs are available to applicants with no previous study in that field.

Preparation programs meet the academic requirements for those with a bachelor’s degree in a field other than education who pursue their first certificate for public school service in a specific area. Preparation programs also serve those who are certified in one area but seek certification in a new area.

Master’s professional certification programs are designed for those who are already certified in a subject area but want a master’s degree in that same area to meet academic requirements for the next level of certification.

A select number of master’s programs prepare students for roles not requiring certification, while others help to prepare for doctoral candidacy. For a complete listing, see “Programs Offered and Degrees Conferred.”

All master’s degree programs require a minimum of 30 credits; some require more. Some programs allow students to elect one or more courses offered by other academic units of Syracuse University, such as the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Administration or the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Visual and Performing Arts, The David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics. No more than 9 credits (6 credit limit for Higher Education) taken outside of Syracuse University may be transferred into a 30-credit master’s degree program.

All master’s programs require one of the following: a thesis, a portfolio review, or an intensive examination. Graduate students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 to graduate.

Certificate of Advanced Study (C.A.S.)

A C.A.S program may be completed independent of or concurrently with a master’s degree or doctoral degree depending on specific program requirements. The certificate is not an intermediate step to a doctoral degree. The C.A.S. programs in Educational Leadership and School Counseling meet the academic requirements for New York State certification in those areas.

C.A.S. Requirements

The C.A.S. in Educational Leadership prepares graduates to be effective, collaborative, equitable, and compassionate administrators in school buildings and districts. The program covers 30 of the 60 graduate credits required to receive dual New York Certification as a School Building Leader and School District Leader, through a set of 8 required courses and 6 credits of a year-long internship.

The C.A.S. in School Counseling prepares graduates who have met the requirements for provisional New York State certification in school counseling to meet the 60 credit requirement for permanent certification.

The School’s Department of Cultural Foundations of Education (CFE), Higher Education (HE), and its Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation Department (IDD&E) offer Certificates of Advanced Study:

CFE offers a Certificate of Advanced Study in Disability Studies. This is a 15 credit program, with the additional requirement of an oral or written examination at the completion of the coursework. The C.A.S. in Disability Studies is available to students enrolled in any Syracuse University graduate program as well as to applicants who wish to pursue the C.A.S. as a single course of study. 

HE offers a Certificate of Advanced Study in Intercollegiate Athletic Advising and Support. This is a 12 credit program designed for current and future higher education professionals (e.g. advisors, higher education/student affairs administrators, and coaches) who wish to understand the research, practice, and policy perspectives associated with intercollegiate sport and student-athlete development in the context of higher education.

IDD&E offers three Certificate of Advanced Study programs in Designing Digital Instruction (15 credits), Educational Technology (15 credits), and Instructional Design Foundations (12 credits). These programs are designed for students who require additional knowledge and expertise in order to advance in their professional careers.

Doctoral Degree

Before applying for a doctoral degree program, candidates should correspond with the program director of the specific program of interest and, if possible, arrange for a personal interview.

Programs for both the Ph.D. and the Ed.D. degrees require a minimum of 90 graduate credits beyond the bachelor’s degree, with most students entering with a completed master’s degree. Coursework is usually distributed among core requirements, major area requirements, supporting minor areas, research tools, and dissertation credits. One-half of pre-dissertation course credits must be taken at Syracuse University. Successful candidates for either doctoral degree must pass a preliminary examination early in the program, and qualifying examinations in the field of specialization and any supporting minor areas later in the program; demonstrate competence in research; write a dissertation based upon an independent investigation that adds to existing knowledge in the field; and pass an oral defense of the dissertation. An overall B average, completion of a residency or time-to-completion requirement, and completion of all requirements within 5 years of the qualifying examination are also required. All candidates for the Ph.D. degree are required to complete a research apprenticeship, including a supervised research activity over a period of not less than one year, under the direction of a Syracuse University faculty member. Ed.D. students must complete a practicum requirement.

Non-matriculated Students

Students with a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution may take courses in the School of Education without enrolling in a degree program (non-matriculated student). Some courses require approval of the instructors. Enrolling in coursework as a non-matriculated student does not allow the non-matriculated student the same academic advisement as matriculated students. No more than 9 credits taken before matriculation may be transferred to a degree program. No more than 6 credits may be taken prior to matriculating into the Higher Education M.S. degree program. All such courses must be approved by the student’s advisor. A registration hold will be put on students’ accounts who have reached this limit.


For more information about School of Education graduate admissions, please visit this website: https://soe.syr.edu/admissions/graduate/

Internal Admission Process

Students who are currently enrolled in a Syracuse University graduate program who would like to add a graduate program for a term prior to completing their first degree may apply to add a new graduate program by using the Graduate Enrollment Internal Admission Application. The internal admission application and instructions are available in the Office of Academic and Student Services. Students enrolled in formal concurrent master’s programs must complete the requirements for both programs prior to graduation. There is no fee for the internal admission process.

Student Services

The Office of Academic and Student Services

The Office of Academic and Student Services was created to ensure that students get the most out of their college experience. The staff in the office provides a thorough and effective system of support for both undergraduate and graduate students from the admissions process through graduation and beyond.

From academic support to career advice to information about opportunities to study abroad, the professionals in Academic and Student Services have the experience and knowledge to answer questions, provide advisement, and make referrals as necessary.


Official forms most commonly requested by students can be found in the Office of Academic and Student Services, and also on the website at: https://answers.syr.edu/display/SOE/Student+Forms

Academic Advising

The Office of Academic and Student Services provides advice and guidance on School of Education and Syracuse University policies, advocates for student concerns, and offers a range of services to assist students as they work toward their academic and career goals.

Students will also be assigned faculty advisors. For more information about advising, contact soeacademicservices@syr.edu.

Career Services

Career Services offers numerous services for students with the teacher certification process and their job search in the education field. These services include New York State Teacher Certification recommendation, out-of-state certification support, opening a credential file, resume and cover letter assistance, employer information sessions, and fairs. All our undergraduate and graduate teacher-preparation programs are integrated with New York State Teacher Certification requirements. For more information about Career Services and teacher certification, contact soecareer@syr.edu

Community, Collaboration and Facilities

Syracuse University is an R1 research institution, and the quality of a student-centered research institution is measured in part by its success in integrating its students’ learning experiences and faculty scholarship.

The key to this integration lies in sustained, critical, always-respectful engagement with the teaching, learning, and counseling professions and those they serve. It relies upon creating a community of learners devoted to public and human service and upon tying this service to robust student research and experiential opportunities.

The efforts of our students and faculty members to create such a community are supported by an organizational infrastructure that includes coordinating committees and councils; collaborative research centers; cross-disciplinary and specially funded research and development projects; and professional support staff.

The School of Education community is devoted to nurturing partnerships among preservice educators and other pre-professionals; practicing professionals in public education, higher education, and other learning and work contexts; and faculty across the School, the University, and beyond.

To support collaboration and scholarship, the School of Education offers administration, meeting, class, laboratory, and workshop space in:

  • Huntington Hall (Marshall Street/University Ave.)-The School’s main facility houses the Dean’s office, other administration and operational offices, classrooms, meeting rooms, and labs. 
  • Comstock Art Facility (1055 Comstock Ave.)-Houses offices and studios for Art Education programs.
  • Crouse College (Main Campus)-Houses an auditorium, classrooms, and practice space for Music Education. 
  • Carnegie Library (Main Campus)-House offices, classrooms, and meeting spaces for Math Education.
  • Sims Hall (Main Campus)-Houses the School’s Counseling and Human Services program, Psycho-Educational Teaching Laboratory, and programs in the Center for Academic Achievement and Student Development.
  • Steele Hall (Main Campus)-Houses programs in the Center for Academic Achievement and Student Development.
  • 111 Waverly Avenue, Suite 230-Home to the School’s Office of Academic and Student Services.

Projects, Partnerships, & Outreach


The School of Education is committed to fostering interdisciplinary scholarship and collaborative partnerships. Outreach and relationships across local communities provide professional development for educators, engaging enrichment activities for PreK-12 students, and immersive field placements for our students. Our work nationally and internationally works to bring venues for discussion and cooperation around social justice, equity, and equality.

Centers & Institutes


Our Centers and Institutes work toward full inclusion for all students with disability in higher education, community, and communication. The Center for Academic Achievement and Student Development boasts seven opportunity programs that provide local K-12 and Syracuse University students access to academic support and resources to achieve their goals.

Center for Academic Achievement and Student Development (CAASD)


The Center for Academic Achievement and Student Development houses seven Academic Opportunity programs that serve all Syracuse University students, as well as students in local K-12 public schools




Combined Degree

Certificate of Advanced Study