2024-2025 Graduate Course Catalog 
    Feb 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Course Catalog

College of Law Faculty

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Courtney Abbott Hill, Associate Teaching Professor
J.D., Syracuse University College of Law, 2009
Legal Communications and Research; Legal Communications and Research II

Rakesh K. Anand, Professor of Law
J.D., Yale University, 1994
Professional Responsibility; Legal Ethics Theory; Contemporary Legal Thought; Constitutional Law II; Criminal Law; European Union law

Robert Ashford, Professor of Law
J.D., Harvard University, 1969
Secured Transactions; Binary Economics; Corporations; Professional Responsibility

Elizabeth A. August, Teaching Professor
J.D., Syracuse University College of Law, 1994
Legal Communications and Research; Legal Communications and Research III: Transactional Drafting; Negotiation Skills; Professional Skills: Negotiation; Negotiation for Lawyers; Legal Communications and Research I

James E. Baker, Professor of Law; Director, Syracuse University Institute for Security Policy and Law; Professor of Public Administration, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs (by courtesy Appointment)
J.D., Yale Law School, 1990
Cntrl Chall Natl Scrty Law Pol; Professional Skills: From Model Rules to Role Models: Applied Legal Ethics in National Security Practice; National Security Law
Kristen Barnes,Associate Dean for Faculty Research; Professor of Law
J.D., Harvard Law School, 1990; PhD, Duke University, 2003
Housing Law; Voting Rights; Property; International Law

Todd A. Berger, Professor of Law; Director, Advocacy Programs; Director, PhillyEx
J.D., Temple University 2003; LL.M. Temple University 2007
Criminal Defense Clinic; Criminal Procedure; Lawsuit; PHILLYEx; Philly Lawyer Seminar; Advocacy Honors Society

Peter D. Blanck, University Professor; Chairman, Burton Blatt Institute
J.D., Stanford University, 1986; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1982
Disability Law

Craig M. Boise, Dean and Professor of Law
J.D., University of Chicago Law School, 1994; LL.M. (Tax), New York University School of Law 1999
Federal Income Taxation; International Financial System Integrity Seminar; International Tax Policy Seminar; International Taxation; Offshore Financial Centers - Cayman Islands; Federal Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders; Tax Treaties Seminar; Not teaching Fall or Spring 2020-21
Jennifer S. Breen, Associate Professor of Law
J.D., Cornell law School, 2015; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2011
Administrative Law; Constitutional Law; Emerging Issues in Labor & Employment Law
Emily Brown, Associate Teaching Professor
J.D., Syracuse University School of Law, 2009
Legal Communication & Research; Legal Communication & Research II

Keith J. Bybee, Vice Dean; Paul E. and Hon. Joanne F. Alper ‘72 Judiciary Studies Professor; Professor of Law; Professor of Political Science; Director, Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics, and the Media (IJPM); Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute
Ph.D., University of California at San Diego, 1995
Constitutional Law I and II; Law, Politics, and the Media (IJPM); Elements of the Law

Sanjay K. Chhablani, Laura J. & L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence 2017-2020; Professor of Law; Adjunct Professor, Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute, College of Arts and Sciences
J.D., Yale Law School, 1996
Constitutional Criminal Procedure; Criminal Law; Capital Punishment; Evidence; Forensic Evidence; Contracts; Const/Crim/Pro-Adj

Maria Cudowska, Faculty Fellow 

Kelly K. Curtis, Teaching Professor; Associate Dean of Academic and Bar Success
J.D., Ohio State University, Moritz College of law, 2005
Fnd’l Skills - Attny Licensing; Law and Sexuality; Professional Responsibility: Becoming a Lawyer; Fnd’l Skills - Attny Licensing; Professional Responsibility

Lisa A. Dolak, Angela S. Cooney Professor of Law 2009-2022; Professor of Law
J.D., Syracuse University College of Law, 1988
Civil Procedure; Federal Courts; Law, Politics, and the Media; Patents and Trade Secrets

David M. Driesen, University Professor
J.D., Yale Law School, 1989
Climate Change: Science, Perception and Policy; Environmental Law; Constitutional Law

Jan Fleckenstein, Teaching Professor; Director of the Law Library
J.D., Syracuse University College of Law, 2011
Advanced Legal Research

Shannon P. Gardner, Associate Dean for Online Education; Teaching Professor
J.D., Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, 1994
Legal Communication and Research; Legal Communications and Research III: Writing in Criminal Litigation; American Legal System; Legal Foundations; Legal Communication & Research II; Legal Communication & Research I

Brian Gerling, Professor of Practice; Executive Director, Innovation Law Center 

Gregory L. Germain, Professor of Law
J.D., University of California, Hastings College of Law, 1985; LL.M. (Tax), University of Florida, 2001
Bankruptcy; Contracts; Business Associations; Pro Bono Bankruptcy Clinic

Shubha Ghosh, Crandall Melvin Professor of Law; Director, Syracuse Intellectual Property Law Institute (SIPLI) 
J.D., Stanford Law School, 1994; Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1988
Advising the Startup I; Advising the Startup II
Antonio Gidi, Teaching Professor
J.D., Federal University of Bahia, Brazil, 1990; LL.M., PUC University, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1993; S.J.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2001; Ph.D., PUC University, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2003
Civil Procedure

Lauryn P. Gouldin, Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence; Crandall Melvin Professor of Law; Director, Syracuse Civics Initiative
J.D., New York University School of Law, 2000
Constitutional Criminal Procedure (Investigative); Criminal Law; Evidence; Privacy Law; Criminal Justice Reform Seminar

Jack M. Graves, Teaching Professor
J.D., University of Colorado School of Law, 1994
Commercial Transactions

Andrew S. Greenberg, Teaching Professor
J.D., Syracuse University College of Law, 1989
Legal Communication and Research I; Legal Communication and Research II; Legal Communication and Research III; Writing in Pretrial Litigation; Professional Responsibility; Appellate Advocacy Skills; Professional Responsibility: Becoming a Lawyer

Margaret M. Harding, Professor of Law, Co-Director, LondonEx
J.D., Georgetown University Law Center, 1986
Civil Procedure; Conflict of Laws; Securities Regulation; Alternative Dispute Resolution; US Arbitration Law & Practice

Laurie Hobart, Associate Teaching Professor
J.D., Harvard law School, 2007
National Security Lawyering

Paula C. Johnson, Professor of Law; Director, Cold Case Justice Initiative
J.D., Temple University, 1985; LL.M., Georgetown University Law Center, 1990
Cold Case Justice Initiative - investigating and reopening civil rights era murders; Race and Law; Constitutional Criminal Procedure (Investigative); Civil Rights Murder Cases; Criminal Law

Arlene S. Kanter, Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence 2005-2008; Professor of Law; Founding Director, College of Law Disability Law and Policy Program; Faculty Director of International Programs; Professor of Disability Studies; School of Education (by courtesy appointment)
J.D., New York University, 1981; LL.M., Georgetown University Law Center, 1983
Disability Law; International Human Rights and Comparative Disability Law; Special Education; Advanced Disability Law; Int’l Human Rights & Disability Law

Gary T. Kelder, Professor of Law
J.D., Boston University, 1971; LL.M., New York University, 1972
Constitutional Criminal Procedure; Criminal Law; Evidence; Advanced Criminal Evidence; Constitutional Criminal Procedure (Investigative)

Andrew Kim, Professor of Law
J.D., Harvard Law School, 2007
Torts; Immigration Law; Administrative Law

Nina A. Kohn, David M. Levy L’48 Professor of Law
J.D., Harvard University, 2002
Elder Law; Family Law; Torts

Elizabeth G. Kubala, Teaching Professor; Executive Director of the Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic
J.D., University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law; LL.M, The Army Judge Advocate General’s School, 2005
Veteran’s Legal Clinic; Veteran’s Legal Clinic II

Laura G. Lape, Associate Professor of Law
J.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1985
Copyright-Literary and Artistic works; Entertainment Law; Intellectual Property; Property Law; Copyright Law

Tom Leith, Associate Teaching Professor

Monica Michelle Todd Luna, Teaching Professor

Katherine A. Macfarlane, Associate Professor of Law; Director; Disability Law and Policy Program

Kevin Noble Maillard, Professor of Law
J.D., University of Pennsylvania Law School, 2002; M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2004
Family Law; Adoption; Popular Culture and the Law; Wills and Trusts; Social Deviance and the Law; Children and the Law

Robin Paul Malloy, Ernest I. White Chair and Distinguished Professor of Law; Kauffman Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Director, Center on Property, Citizenship and Social Entrepreneurism; Professor of Economics, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs (by courtesy appointment)
J.D., University of Florida, 1980; LL.M., University of Illinois, 1983
Real Estate Transactions; Land Use Planning and Development Law; Real Estate for Business

Suzette M. Meléndez, Faculty Fellow for the Office of Strategic Initiatives in Academic Affairs and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion; Teaching Professor
J.D., University of Connecticut, 1989
Children’s Rights and Family Law Clinic; Children’s Rights Clinic II; Family Law; Children’s right Clinic

Aliza M. Milner, Teaching Professor; Director, Legal Communication and Research
J.D., George Washington University, 1998
Legal Communication and Research I; Legal Communication and Research II; Legal Communication and Research III; Civil Procedure; Sentencing Law; LCR III: Writing for Trial & Appellate Judges

Jessica Murray, Associate Teaching Professor; Director, Transactional law Clinic
J.D., Cornell Law School, 1988
Transactional Law Clinic; Transactional Law Clinic II

Robert G. Nassau, Teaching Professor; Executive Director, Office of Clinical Legal Education; Director of the Sherman F. Levey ‘57, L’59 Low Income Taxpayer Clinic
J.D., Harvard University, 1986
Federal Income Taxation I; Federal Income Taxation II; Estate and Gift Taxation; Low Income Taxpayer Clinic; Low Income Taxpayer Clinic II; Federal Income Tax I: Individual; Federal Tax II - Business Transactions

 Keli Perrin, Associate Teaching Professor; Managing Director, Syracuse University Institute for Security Policy and Law
J.D., Syracuse University College of Law
Cyber Security Law & Policy; National Security/Terrorism Center; Regulatory Law & Policy
Gary J. Pieples, Teaching Professor; Director, Criminal Defense Clinic
J.D., Indiana University School of Law, 1995
Lawsuits; Criminal Defense Law Clinic; Criminal Defense Clinic II; Professional Skills: Lawyer as Counselor

Richard S. Risman, Teaching Professor
J.D., State University of New York at Buffalo, 1984
Legal Communication and Research; Foundation Skills for Attorney Licensing; Legal Communications and Research III: Research and Rhetoric; Legal Writing for International Students

Michael A. Schwartz, Associate Professor of Law; Director, Disability Rights Clinic
J.D., New York University, 1981; LL.M., Columbia University, 1996; Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2006
Disability Rights Clinic Seminar; Disability Rights Clinic; Disability Rights Clinic II

Kent Syverud, SU Chancellor and President
J.D., University of Michigan School of Law
Mary Szto, Teaching Professor
J.D., Columbia University School of Law, 1986
Business Associations; Contracts; Asian Americans & the Law
Daniel Traficonte, Associate Professor of Law
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021; J.D., Harvard Law School, 2017
Property; Law and Technology; Blockchain and Cryptocurrency; Patents and Trade Secrets

C. Cora True-Frost, Bond, Schoeneck & King Distinguished Professor; Professor of Law
J.D., Syracuse University College of Law, 2001; LL.M., Harvard Law School, 2006
Criminal Law; Regulatory Law and Policy; Constitutional Law II; International Law

Christine Cora True-Frost, Bond, Schoeneck and King Distinguished Professor; Professor of Law
 Kristin L. Walker, Professor of Practice; Faculty Director of Externships
Richard Wallach, Visiting Professor

A. Joseph Warburton, Professor of Law; Professor of Finance, Whitman School of Management
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2009
Commercial Transactions; Corporate Financing Transactions; Financial Management

Danielle Wild, Associate Teaching Professor
Faculty can also be found by clicking on the link below: